[Releasing] Meeting minutes from Qt Release Team meeting 04.12.2018

Jani Heikkinen jani.heikkinen at qt.io
Tue Dec 4 16:24:41 CET 2018

Meeting minutes from Qt Release Team meeting 4th December 2018

Qt 5.11 status:
- Qt 5.11.3 released today. As agreed earlier it will be the last release from Qt 5.11 series.
- '5.11' is closed now (or will be soon; request sent but  haven't got confirmation yet)

Qt 5.12 status:
- Qt 5.12.0 release content in place, final packages created and testing mostly done. 
- We will release these packages  as Qt 5.12.0 Thu 6.12.2018
- There seems to be already more than 500 fixes in '5.12' (including few really urgent ones)
-> We will start preparations for Qt 5.12.1 immediately
   * Branching from '5.12' -> '5.12.1' will start immediately after the Qt 5.12.0 release (to be able to get 5.12.1 out early January latest)

Qt 5.13.0 initial schedule:
- Proposal to mailing list sent (https://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2018-November/034389.html), no objections. 
- So initial schedule for Qt 5.13.0 will be:
   * 25.01.2019: Soft branching from 'dev' to '5.13' starts
   * 01.02.2019: Feature Freeze & Finalize branching from 'dev' to '5.13'
   * 12.02.2019: Alpha release 
   * 26.02.2019: Beta1 release
   * 07.05.2019: RC 
   * 21.05.2019: Qt 5.13.0 Final Release

Next meeting Tue 18.12.2018 16:00 CET

irc log below:
[17:00:08] <jaheikki3> akseli: iieklund: thiago: fkleint: ZapB: tronical:vladimirM: aholza: peter-h: mapaaso: ankokko: fkleint: carewolf: fregl:ablasche:lars: ping
[17:00:23] <jaheikki3> ankokko ping
[17:00:34] <akseli> jaheikki3: pong
[17:01:21] <jaheikki3> Time to start qt release team meeting
[17:01:29] <jaheikki3> On agenda today:
[17:01:35] <jaheikki3> Qt 5.11 status
[17:01:42] <jaheikki3> Qt 5.12 status
[17:01:55] <jaheikki3> Qt 5.13.0 initial schedule
[17:02:06] <jaheikki3> Any additional item to the agenda?
[17:04:04] <jaheikki3> Ok, let's start from Qt 5.11:
[17:04:19] <jaheikki3> Qt 5.11.3 released today. As agreed earlier it will be the last release from Qt 5.11 series.
[17:04:20] <frkleint> jaheikki3: pong
[17:04:35] <jaheikki3> And '5.11' is closed now (or will be soon; request sent but  haven't got confirmation yet)
[17:05:08] <jaheikki3> Thats was all about Qt 5.11 now. Any comments or questions?
[17:06:22] <jaheikki3> Then Qt 5.12 status:
[17:06:39] <jaheikki3> Qt 5.12.0 release content in place, final packages created and testing mostly done
[17:07:06] <jaheikki3> We will release these packages  as Qt 5.12.0 this Thu (6.12.2018)
[17:07:39] <jaheikki3> There seems to be already more than 500 fixes in '5.12' (including few really urgent ones) -> we should start preparations for Qt 5.12.1 immediately
[17:08:26] <carewolf> sounds good
[17:08:37] <jaheikki3> So let's start branching from '5.12' to '5.12.1' immediately after the release
[17:09:20] <jaheikki3> So with this plan we should be able to get Qt 5.12.1 latest early January
[17:09:21] <carewolf> we are still targetting january I take it
[17:09:29] <carewolf> right
[17:10:02] <jaheikki3> carewolf: yeah. In theory it might happen even before Christmas but most proably there isn't enough time for that
[17:10:18] <carewolf> I wouldn't bet on that
[17:11:14] <jaheikki3> Yeah, but let's see when we are ready
[17:11:37] <jaheikki3> that's all about 5.12 at this time. Any other comments or questions?
[17:12:05] <carewolf> will we be branch qt-next at the same time?
[17:12:27] <frkleint> Huh?
[17:12:52] <carewolf> didn't we talk at the contributor summit to branch for qt6 after 5.12 was released?
[17:13:33] <jaheikki3> carewolf: ? We haven't discussed it at all lately. But yes, I think the plan was to do in ~ January
[17:13:43] <carewolf> ok
[17:14:14] <jaheikki3> Ok, then Qt 5.13.0 initial schedule
[17:14:58] <jaheikki3> I sent proposal to mailing list ~ week ago (https://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2018-November/034389.html)
[17:15:13] <jaheikki3> No comments / objections
[17:15:24] <jaheikki3> So initial schedule for Qt 5.13.0 will be:
[17:15:34] <jaheikki3> 25.01.2019: Soft branching from 'dev' to '5.13' start
[17:15:40] <jaheikki3> 01.02.2019: Feature Freeze & Finalize branching from 'dev' to '5.13'
[17:15:46] <jaheikki3> 12.02.2019: Alpha release 
[17:15:52] <jaheikki3> 26.02.2019: Beta1 release
[17:16:00] <jaheikki3> 07.05.2019: RC 
[17:16:04] <jaheikki3> 21.05.2019: Qt 5.13.0 Final Release
[17:16:16] <frkleint> basically no time for features ;-)
[17:16:46] <divide> is there a list of the hightlights of 5.13 somewhere ?
[17:16:54] <jaheikki3> frkleint: how? New feature development has been possible since august (when we branched from dev to 5.12) :D
[17:17:26] <jaheikki3> divide: Not yet
[17:17:35] <divide> ok
[17:19:33] <jaheikki3> Ok, this was all at this time. Let's skip next week's meeting & have new one 18.12.2018 to check how close Qt 5.12.1 we are
[17:19:44] <jaheikki3> Thanks for your participation. Bye!
[17:20:49] <frkleint> bye
[17:21:14] <carewolf> bye

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