[Releasing] Qt 5.12.0 rc released

Jani Heikkinen jani.heikkinen at qt.io
Thu Nov 22 13:51:10 CET 2018


We have released Qt 5.12.0 rc today. As usual you can get it via online installer as an update to existing installation or just doing fresh installation & selecting Qt 5.12.0-rc from 'Preview' section. Offline installers are also available in qtaccount (for commercial users) or qt.io downloads page (for opensource users). Delta to beta4 release can be found as an attachment.

Target is to release these packages as Qt 5.12.0 at the beginning of December. So please inform me immediately if there is something badly broken. But remember: We won't do rc2 without really good reasons and if we need to release rc2 we will take in only fix for issue(s) which is causing rc2 and nothing else. So please don't try to push anything else in '5.12.0' anymore.

Jani Heikkinen
Release Manager
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