[Releasing] Qt 5.12.0 rc2 released

Jani Heikkinen jani.heikkinen at qt.io
Thu Nov 29 12:11:39 CET 2018


We have released Qt 5.12.0 rc2 today. As earlier you can get it as an update to existing installation or just doing fresh installation & selecting Qt 5.12.0-rc2 from 'Preview' section. Offline installers are also available in qtaccount (for commercial users) or qt.io downloads page (for opensource users). Delta to rc1 release can be found as an attachment.

Plan is to release these packages as Qt 5.12.0 5th December 2018. And don't worry if some issues aren't fixed in these packages; we will release Qt 5.12.1 quite soon as well (current target is to do that early January 2019) so there isn't that long time to wait. Just make sure needed fixes are in '5.12' as soon as possible.

Jani Heikkinen
Release Manager

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