[Releasing] Changes planned for the online installer

BogDan bog_dan_ro at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 1 07:43:34 CEST 2019

Sorry for being late to the party. 

>  * Move all but the latest patch releases of supported Qt releases into
>    ‘archive’ category
I really hope this means we'll go back to the old good times when we had only one 5.x folder with the latest and greatest minor release.Now is just ridiculously, I have five 5.9.x, 5.10.0, two 5.11.x and two 5.12.x folders, but NONE has the latest minor version.
IMHO all 5.x.y release should go by default in 5.x folder and if an user really want to use a specific version he can install it from "archive" folder.
    On Monday, March 25, 2019, 12:45:05 PM GMT+2, Tuukka Turunen <tuukka.turunen at qt.io> wrote:  

Yes, this would be the case for Qt. Tools etc as well, of course also offered. Under preview now is Qt 5.13 beta (alpha is removed from preview already with the current online installer, only the latest preview is offered). 



On 25/03/2019, 10.33, "Releasing on behalf of Giuseppe D'Angelo via Releasing" <releasing-bounces at qt-project.org on behalf of releasing at qt-project.org> wrote:

    So, for instance, right now what would be offered by the installer? If 
    I'm understanding correctly:
    * 5.13 alpha in the 'preview' category
    * 5.12.latest / 5.11.latest / 5.9.latest as ordinary installation
    * All the other 5.12, 5.11 and 5.9 as archive
    Is this correct?

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