[Releasing] HEADS-UP: Branching '5.14' from 'dev' complete, Qt 5.14 Feature Freeze in effect & '5.15' created

Edward Welbourne edward.welbourne at qt.io
Tue Aug 27 12:17:00 CEST 2019

Jani Heikkinen (27 August 2019 09:00)
> [...] Merge path will be:
> '5.12' -> '5.13' -> '5.14' -> '5.15' -> 'dev'
> (+ final merges from '5.13.1' -> '5.13' and '5.12.5' -> '5.12')
> I bet that will be quite hard so I think we need to start dropping
> some merges quite soon...

Once we release 5.14, I believe usual practice is to close 5.13, at
which point 5.12 goes into cherry-pick mode.  That'll get us back to
just '5.14' -> '5.15' -> 'dev', which shall be a bit more manageable.


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