[Releasing] Meeting minutes from Qt Release Team meeting 14.03.2023

Jani Heikkinen jani.heikkinen at qt.io
Tue Mar 14 16:17:49 CET 2023

Qt 6.5 status

  *   Qt 6.5 RC content frozen and dependency update round ongoing
  *   Target is to start RC testing Wed 15th March & release Qt 6.5.0 RC Thu 16th March as planned
  *   Target is still to release Qt 6.5.0 at the end of March (30th March)

Qt 6.4 status

  *   Qt 6.4.3 release content finally frozen and package creation ongoing
  *   We will prioritize Qt 6.5 RC testing so Qt 6.4.3 will be released after Qt 6.5 RC
     *   Target for Qt 6.4.3 release is Mon 20th March
  *   Qt 6.4.3 will be the last release from the Qt 6.4 series

Next meeting Tue 21st March 2023 16:00 CET


Jani Heikkinen

Release Manager

irc log below:

[17:00:26] <jaheikki3> ablasche: akseli:carewolf:lars__:mapaaso:The-Compiler:thiago:vohi: ping

[17:00:39] <carewolf> pong

[17:01:31] <The-Compiler> 64 bytes from the-compiler ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=60s

[17:02:16] <jaheikki3> time to start qt release team meeting

[17:02:22] <jaheikki3> on agenda today:

[17:02:26] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.5 status

[17:02:30] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.4 status

[17:02:38] <jaheikki3> Any additional item to the agenda

[17:03:20] <thiago> jaheikki3: pong

[17:03:53] <jaheikki3> Lets start from Qt 6.5 status:

[17:04:17] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.5 RC content is frozen and dependency update is ongoing

[17:05:08] <jaheikki3> Hoping dependency update round succeed and we can get RC packages for testing by tomorrow morning

[17:05:53] <jaheikki3> We are trying to release Qt 6.5 RC Thu 16th March as planned

[17:06:15] <jaheikki3> And the target is still to release Qt 6.5.0 at the end of March (30th March)

[17:06:49] <jaheikki3> That's actually all about Qt 6.5 status at this time. Any comments or questions?

[17:07:36] <carewolf> I have been told to hurry up and delete examples we want removed, is it still okay to remove code?

[17:08:13] <carewolf> I was a bit surprised to be asked to remove them in 6.5

[17:08:34] <jaheikki3> yeah, we can take documentation and example updates in between RC and final

[17:08:51] <carewolf> ok

[17:09:33] <jaheikki3> ok, then Qt 6.4 status

[17:09:47] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.4.3 release content is finally frozen

[17:10:02] <jaheikki3> package creation is ongoing

[17:10:39] <jaheikki3> We will prioritize Qt 6.5 RC testing so Qt 6.4.3 will be released after Qt 6.5 RC

[17:11:23] <jaheikki3> So the target is to release Qt 6.4.3 Mon 20th March

[17:11:46] <jaheikki3> And like earlier decided it will be the last release from Qt 6.4 series

[17:12:10] <jaheikki3> That's all about Qt 6.4 status at this time. Any comments or questions?

[17:13:35] <akseli> sounds like a plan

[17:14:28] <jaheikki3> Great, it was all at this time. Let's end the meeting now & have new one Tue 21st March at this same time

[17:14:40] <jaheikki3> Thanks for your participation, bye!

[17:17:12] <frkleint> bye
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