[Releasing] Meeting minutes from Qt Release Team meeting 12.11.2024

Jani Heikkinen jani.heikkinen at qt.io
Wed Nov 13 07:32:44 CET 2024

Qt 6.8 status

  *   Qt 6.8.1 preparations are ongoing
     *   Branching from ‘6.8’ to ‘6.8.1’ is done
     *   The target is to freeze the release content by the end of this week
     *   The target is to release Qt 6.8.1 21st November
Qt 6.9 status

  *   New snapshot from the dev created & testing ongoing. If it is well enough, we will make it publicly available via online installer
  *   Qt 6.9 feature freeze will be effect 6th of December 2024 and platform and module freeze already 22nd November
  *   The target is to release Qt 6.9 Beta1 soon after the FF; latest 19th December

Next meeting Tue 19th of November 2024 16:00 CET
Jani Heikkinen
Release Manager

irc log below:
[17:00:07] <jaheikki3> akseli: ablasche: carewolf: frkleint: lars_: mapaaso: The-Compiler: thiago: vohi[M]: ping
[17:00:19] <vohi[M]> jaheikki3: pong
[17:00:26] <frkleint> jaheikki3: pong
[17:00:27] <thiago> jaheikki3: pong
[17:00:33] <akseli> jaheikki3: pong
[17:01:16] <jaheikki3> time to start qt release team meeting
[17:01:23] <jaheikki3> on agenda today:
[17:01:26] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.8 status
[17:01:30] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.9 status
[17:01:37] <jaheikki3> Any additional item to the agenda?
[17:02:26] <jaheikki3> Let's start from Qt 6.8 status
[17:02:40] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.8.1 preparations are ongoing
[17:02:52] <jaheikki3> Branching from ‘6.8’ to ‘6.8.1’ is done
[17:03:14] <jaheikki3> Couple of snapshots already created & tested, nothng alarming found so far
[17:03:25] <jaheikki3> The target is to freeze the release content by the end of this week
[17:03:49] <thiago> I want to get the QThread regression fix in
[17:03:50] <jaheikki3> And the target is to release Qt 6.8.1 next Thu (21st November)
[17:04:01] <thiago> thanks for reminding of 6.8.1
[17:04:06] <jaheikki3> thiago: ok, could you share the bug ID
[17:05:11] <jaheikki3> And it was all about Qt 6.8 status at this time. Any comments or questions?
[17:05:19] <thiago> QTBUG-130895 is the latest, but now that I think about it, this one may miss 6.8.1
[17:05:35] <thiago> the main fix is for QTBUG-129927 and others
[17:05:39] <thiago> those should be in
[17:06:04] <jaheikki3> thiago: thanks
[17:06:52] <jaheikki3> Ok, then Qt 6.9 status
[17:07:34] <jaheikki3> dependency update round succeed in 'dev' & new snapshot from the dev is created
[17:07:57] <thiago> moc changes going in, see email to ML
[17:08:05] <jaheikki3> Testing of snapshot is ongoing. If the snapsnot is well enough we will make it publicly available via online installer
[17:08:35] <jaheikki3> thiago: thanks for the headsup
[17:09:24] <jaheikki3> And again just a reminder: Qt 6.9 feature freeze will be effect 6th of December 2024 and platform and module freeze already 22nd November
[17:09:44] <thiago> I need to do the C++20-by-default change then
[17:10:05] <thiago> and review some of ivan's changes he's already pinged me about (lexicographicCompare & such)
[17:10:24] <jaheikki3> 👍
[17:10:47] <jaheikki3> The target is to release Qt 6.9 Beta1 soon after the FF; latest 19th of December
[17:11:16] <jaheikki3> It was all about 6.9 status at this time. Any comments or questions?
[17:12:36] <jaheikki3> Ok, let's then end this meeting now and have new one Tue 19th November at this same time.
[17:12:38] <jaheikki3> thanks for your participation, bye!
[17:12:51] <vohi[M]> thanks, bye!
[17:14:36] <thiago> bye
[17:14:38] <frkleint> bye
[17:14:49] <carewolf> bye
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