[Releasing] Meeting minutes from Qt Release Team meeting 26.11.2024

Jani Heikkinen jani.heikkinen at qt.io
Wed Nov 27 09:02:58 CET 2024

Qt 6.8 status

  *   Qt 6.8.1 release content is frozen, packages are created and package testing is ongoing
  *   The target is to release Qt 6.8.1 Fri 29th of November

Qt 6.9 status

  *   New snapshot from 'dev' created but testing is still ongoing
  *   Qt 6.9 platform and module freeze is in effect now & staging in qt5.git#dev restricted to release team only
  *   Qt 6.9 Feature freeze will be in effect Fri 6th of December
  *   The target is to branch from 'dev' to '6.9' Mon 9th of December
  *   The target is to release Qt 6.9 Beta1 before Christmas break

Next meeting Tue 3rd of December 2024 16:00 CET
Jani Heikkinen
Release Manager

irc log below:
[17:00:11] <jaheikki3> akseli: ablasche: carewolf_work: frkleint: lars_: mapaaso: The-Compiler: thiago: vohi: ping
[17:00:30] <akseli> jaheikki3: pong
[17:00:36] <vohi[M]> jaheikki3: pong
[17:00:40] <frkleint> jaheikki3: pong
[17:00:58] <thiago> jaheikki3: pong
[17:01:15] <jaheikki3> time to start qt release team meeting
[17:01:19] <jaheikki3> on agenda today:
[17:01:23] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.8 status
[17:01:28] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.9 status
[17:01:39] <jaheikki3> Any additional item to the agenda?
[17:03:20] <jaheikki3> Let's start from 6.8 status:
[17:03:37] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.8.1 release content frozen, packages created and package testing ongoing
[17:03:49] <jaheikki3> If no new blockers found we will release Qt 6.8.1 Fri 29th of November
[17:04:12] <jaheikki3> that's all about 6.8 status. Any comments or questions?
[17:05:09] <jaheikki3> ok, then Qt 6.9 status:
[17:05:11] <thiago> none from me
[17:05:38] <jaheikki3> New snapshot from dev created but testing is still ongoing and that's why it isn't published yet
[17:06:14] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.9 platform and module freeze is in effect now, see https://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2024-November/045919.html
[17:06:29] <jaheikki3> staging in qt5.git#dev restricted to release team only
[17:06:29] <thiago> I haven't fixed qtscxmlc yet
[17:06:37] <thiago> it's annoyingly difficult
[17:06:41] <thiago> I hope to get it done tomorrow
[17:06:58] <jaheikki3> thiago: great, thanks!
[17:07:12] <jaheikki3> Qt 6.9 Feature freeze will be in effect Fri 6th of December
[17:07:27] <jaheikki3> And the target is to branch from 'dev' to '6.9' Mon 9th of December
[17:07:31] <vohi[M]> thiago: need help with reviews?
[17:08:07] <jaheikki3> The target is also to release Qt 6.9 Beta1 before Christmas break
[17:08:31] <thiago> vohi[M]: no, they're going in
[17:08:43] <thiago> the issue is rewriting the qtscxmlc patches
[17:09:14] <thiago> we also need to turn qtactiveqt testing back on
[17:09:56] <thiago> same issue: qtactiveqt's dumpcpp depended on the format of moc's output
[17:10:54] <thiago> I tried to fix qtscxmlc on Friday, but ran out of time. It's not difficult, just very annoying.
[17:10:55] <vohi[M]> perhaps we should have blocker JIRA tickets for that so that we don't end up forgetting those and releasing something that is substantially broken
[17:11:39] <jaheikki3> vohi[M]: Yeah, agree
[17:12:34] <jaheikki3> thiago: could you wrote needed one(s)?
[17:13:24] <thiago> I can do that yes
[17:13:31] <thiago> will do when I get to the office in an hour
[17:13:35] <jaheikki3> thanks!
[17:14:27] <jaheikki3> I think it was all at this time so let's end this meeting now & have new one Tue 3rd or December at this same time.
[17:14:30] <jaheikki3> Thanks for your participation, bye!
[17:15:04] <frkleint> bye
[17:16:17] <vohi[M]> bye
[17:16:19] <thiago> bye

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