[Releasing] Meeting minutes from Qt Release Team meeting 25.02.2025

Jani Heikkinen jani.heikkinen at qt.io
Wed Feb 26 06:45:14 CET 2025

Qt 6.9 status

  *   Qt 6.9 Beta3 content is frozen, packages are created and testing is ongoing
     *   The target is to release Qt 6.9.0 Beta3 later this week
  *   We will branch '6.9.0' from ' 6.9' later this week, after Beta3 is released
  *   The target is to release Qt 6.9.0 RC Tue 11th March and Qt 6.9.0 final release Tue 25th of March
     *   Release blocker list here: https://bugreports.qt.io/issues/?filter=27122
     *   Please check https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qt6-6.9/whatsnew69.html & add missing items there now
Qt 6.8 status

  *   The target is to start branching from '6.8' to '6.8.3' at the beginning of next week
  *   the target is to release Qt 6.8.3 Tue 18th March
     *   Qt 6.8.3 will be the last public release from Qt 6.8 LTS

Next meeting Tue 4th of March 2025 16:00 CET
Jani Heikkinen
Release Manager

irc log below:
[17:00:15] <jaheikki3__> alblasch: akseli: carewolf: frkleint: lars_: mapaaso: The-Compiler: thiago: vohi[M]: ping
[17:00:26] <vohi[M]> jaheikki3__: pong
[17:00:31] <akseli> jaheikki3__: pong
[17:00:41] <thiago> jaheikki3__: pong
[17:01:17] <jaheikki3__> Time to start qt release team meeting
[17:01:22] <jaheikki3__> on agenda today:
[17:01:25] <jaheikki3__> Qt 6.9 status
[17:01:30] <jaheikki3__> Qt 6.8 status
[17:01:40] <jaheikki3__> Any additional item to the agenda?
[17:02:19] <carewolf> pong
[17:03:05] <jaheikki3__> Let's start from Qt 6.9 status
[17:03:28] <jaheikki3__> Qt 6.9 Beta3 content is frozen, packages are created and testing is ongoing
[17:03:44] <jaheikki3__> The target is to release Qt 6.9.0 Beta3 later this week, if packages are well enough for Beta3
[17:04:15] <jaheikki3__> branching '6.9.0' from ' 6.9' will be done later this week, after Beta3 is released
[17:04:47] <jaheikki3__> New target for Qt 6.9.0 RC is Tue 11th March
[17:04:58] <jaheikki3__> and for final Tue 25th of March
[17:05:43] <jaheikki3__> That's all about 6.9 status at this time. Any comments or questions?
[17:06:21] <vohi[M]> Friendly reminder to anyone reading this to give the whatsnew documentation a last check to make sure all the new 6.9 things are in!
[17:06:51] <thiago> yeah
[17:06:56] <thiago> where is it?
[17:07:20] <thiago> qtdoc doc/src/whatsnew/whatsnew69.qdoc
[17:07:25] <vohi[M]> in the qdoc repository: https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtdoc/+/627202
[17:07:27] <thiago> just happened to see it in a gerrit commit
[17:07:35] <thiago> that one exactly
[17:07:45] <vohi[M]> s/qdoc/qtdoc
[17:07:52] <thiago> thank mårten for the timing
[17:08:25] <jaheikki3__> ok, then Qt 6.8 status:
[17:08:45] <jaheikki3__> the target is to release Qt 6.8.3 Tue 18th March
[17:09:11] <jaheikki3__> so branching from '6.8' to '6.8.3' will happen at the beginning of next week
[17:09:28] <jaheikki3__> And Qt 6.8.3 will be the last public release from Qt 6.8 LTS
[17:09:48] <jaheikki3__> that's all about Qt 6.8 status. Any comments or questions?
[17:10:15] <thiago> because 6.9 is scheduled for the week after
[17:11:11] <jaheikki3__> yes
[17:12:39] <jaheikki3__> It was all at this time so let's end this meeting now & have new one tue 4th of March at this same time
[17:12:51] <jaheikki3__> thanks for your participation, bye!
[17:13:01] <thiago> ybe
[17:13:02] <thiago> bye
[17:13:38] <vohi[M]> bye!
[17:14:39] <carewolf> bye

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