[Web] [Interest] Poor mirror performance for the online Qt SDK

Sze Howe Koh szehowe.koh at gmail.com
Sun Jan 5 10:47:47 CET 2014

On 21 December 2013 07:51, Sze Howe Koh <szehowe.koh at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 20 December 2013 16:05, Jenssen Tim <Tim.Jenssen at digia.com> wrote:
>> In the past it was very easy to set a different url on the server:
>>> To set a different repository on the installer: just go to "Settings" after you started the
>>> installer then click on tab "Repositories". There you can disable the default repository
>>> and add your better connected server for example
>>> http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/qtproject/online/qtsdkrepository/windows_x86/root/qt/ .
>>> Then you can check the url with clicking "Test" if no error is be shown then everything is ok.
>>> After that you can continue with installing as usual.
>> But if I look closer to the current used method I see that the root Updates.xml contains again the general download.* url. So we need some more manual work to change the download server. (Big sorry for that and I created a task: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTIFW-441)
>> The installer can read repositories from local so we can download the root/qt directory to hard disk (yes you need all files in that directory) and change/adjust the urls in the Updates.xml file. I did that in the attachment for the mirrors.ustc.edu.cn and windows repository.
>> Then use the path to that local root install repository with the faster download urls as the new user repository url in the installer settings - don't forget to disable the default one.
>> After that you can continue with installing as usual.
>> Note: The find fastest server algorithm needs to be fixed and the best would be to create a bugreport with some more collected infos - so we can get an idea why and where this happens and how we can fix that.
>> PS: Resume download feature for the installers is already a task: watch and vote https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTIFW-5
> Thank you for your efforts, Tim! I set up a local repo using your
> attachment, and was able to download Qt 5.2.0 quickly through the
> online installer.
> It's very close to the Christmas break, so it could be a while before
> the updated installer/settings/algorithm become public. Would it be a
> good idea to add a quick note to the top of
> http://qt-project.org/downloads, for the benefit of those who're
> experiencing download speed issues? Something along the lines of:
> "Users from some parts of the world might get connected to mirrors
> that are slow for them. The Qt Project is working on this issue. In
> the meantime, if you are experiencing extremely slow downloads, please
> click on 'Info' next to the package you want, and manually select a
> different mirror."
> Regards,
> Sze-Howe


I'm wondering if there has been any progress on improving the Qt
Project's download experience?

There has just been another report of extremely slow downloads, this
time from Israel: http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/36777/

Two weeks ago I added an announcement to the forum to teach users how
to manually select mirrors
(http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/36351/), but newcomers are
unlikely to see it. A poor download experience is a barrier to

Other suggestions related to downloads:
- Users are requesting Torrent support:
- Thiago requested a "Contributed packages" section on the Downloads
page for 3rd-party builds:


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