[Android-development] Integrating Dropbox

Harri Pasanen harri at mpaja.com
Thu Sep 25 08:48:38 CEST 2014

On 24/09/2014 19:57, Harri Pasanen wrote:
> Hi,
> Trying to include official DropBox Android SDK libs in my Qt project, 
> I ran into an issue where the app crashes at startup.
> Logcat provides a hint:
> W/dalvikvm(22608): No implementation found for native 
> Lcom/dropbox/sync/android/NativeLib;.nativeLibIsLoaded:()Z
> shortly after uncaught exceptions cause it to crash and come burning 
> down.
> I think what is happening is that the DropBox java API is trying to 
> reload the libDropboxSync.so which is already loaded by Qt as it is 
> part of the
> bundled_libs in libs.xml.  It is not prepared for the fact that the 
> lib is already loaded.
> Is there some qmake magic or other voodoo that would bundle a lib in 
> APK's library folder, but would prevent Qt from loading it?
> Like a variable that would blacklist the libraries not to be loaded by 
> Qt at startup?
> Thanks,
> Harri

Curiosity got the better of me and I went rummaging around the Qt source.

I hope to be wrong, but I don't think my case above has been thought of 
yet.  Seems like one possible place to hack would be around
the function public static void loadBundledLibraries() in QtNative.java.
Better solution would be to have a a second category of bundled libs: 
bundled yes, but not so much as automatically loaded.

Any hints appreciated,


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