[Announce] Qt Creator 2.5.0-beta released
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Thu Mar 15 14:50:23 CET 2012
We are happy to announce the Qt Creator 2.5.0 beta release. This is a preview of the new minor version of Qt Creator, including bugs fixes as well as a bunch of new features.
Blog post: http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2012/03/15/qt-creator-2-5-beta/
Download page: http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt_Creator_Releases
Thanks a lot for all the contributions and feedback, thanks to all people who made this happen!
The Qt Creator Team
Eike Ziller
Principal Software Engineer
Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks
Nokia gate5 GmbH
Firmensitz: Invalidenstr. 117, 10115 Berlin, Germany
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, Berlin: HRB 106443 B
Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer: DE 812 845 193
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Michael Halbherr, Karim Tähtivuori
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