[Announce] Qt for Python 5.15.1 released!

List for announcements regarding Qt releases and development announce at qt-project.org
Thu Sep 10 15:07:27 CEST 2020

Dear Community,

we are really happy to let you know
that Qt for Python 5.15.1 is out!


As always, you can get it via PyPi
with a simple: "pip install pyside2"
or "pip install -U pyside2" to update :D

You can read the blog post that highlights
a couple of things, and one new feature
that we decided to include for 5.15 users
to avoid waiting until Qt6


Here is the changelog for a detailed
commit list:


Thanks for your support,
and let's stay in touch: https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_for_Python#Community

Dr. Cristian Maureira-Fredes
R&D Manager

The Qt Company GmbH
Erich-Thilo-Str. 10
D-12489 Berlin

Geschäftsführer: Mika Pälsi,
Juha Varelius, Mika Harjuaho
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin,
Registergericht: Amtsgericht
Charlottenburg, HRB 144331 B

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