[Development] Trying to setup environment to contribute. Error building webkit

Rohan McGovern rohan.mcgovern at nokia.com
Thu Dec 8 00:20:17 CET 2011

Jordi Pujol said:
> Hi all,
> I've been trying to set up a personal clone of qt5 to start contributing
> as explained in wiki page.
> http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Building_Qt_5_from_Git
> I'm in gerrit, I've been successful to get the source initialized the
> repositories, configured & started to build as explained. Everithing
> gone fine.
> But I'm stuck building qtwebkit. It's a very simple error, as you can
> see in the log, JSInspectorFrontendHostCustom.cpp includes QAction &
> QMenu  and both headers must be found in 
> ..../qt5/qtbase/include/QtWidgets, but the include line does not appear
> anywhere at compile time.
> Anyway, .../qt5/qtbase/include/QtGui is there ( QT += gui must be set
> somewhere ), so something is wrong, but I cannot find what.
> Perhaps nobody tried to work "as is" and I must pull latest version of
> webkit submodule ?


Unfortunately the qtwebkit pointed at by qt5.git is outdated and known
not to work.  Maybe it makes sense to remove it.  (IMHO qtwebkit there
is not making sense since it is more of a "project which uses Qt" and
not "part of the Qt Project").

For now, the easiest way for you to proceed would be to pass -no-webkit
to init-repository, or `rm -rf qtwebkit' if you already have it.

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