[Development] Indicating Maintainers & Approvers on IRC

Frans Klaver fransklaver at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 07:02:03 CET 2011

On Fri, 09 Dec 2011 02:58:10 +0100, <marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com> wrote:

> Exactly! And that's why I wanted to use the status for something useful
> for contributors, so they can quickly see who is what, and where to seek
> for help depending on what they need. Of course, each maintainer will
> have his/her own area of expertise, but at least they know who to look
> up, ask, or identify during a discussion.
> ^shrug^ If people don't like that, I'll fold.

 From a 'your average new contributor' perspective this may make sense. For  
regulars the merit is practically gone, because they already know exactly  
who to talk to: everybody. From an IRC perspective Thiago's approach  
actually makes more sense than the one you proposed. Voice is quite the  
privilege already. My experience with giving people ops is that if new  
people have a question, they'll start a private chat with the ops or  
voiced, unless they know IRC etiquette. You'll want to keep most  
discussions inside of the channel, so a bit of uncertainty on who's who,  
may help in keeping most conversations public :P. On the other hand, maybe  
the effect is less when there's an abundance of ops, I haven't experienced  


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