[Development] Gerrit - How to search changes?

Holger Hans Peter Freyther holger at freyther.de
Fri Nov 4 14:29:14 CET 2011


I have checked the wiki and I am failing to find the information. I want to
search for all changes to directfb and I fail to do so.

I could do this by searching for directfb in messages or based on a file glob.
I somehow fail...

Searching by name:
"message:directfb" does work.

Searching by file:
I want to use file:*directfb*, but according to this[1] I will need to watch
the project, so I started to watch qt/qtbase with a file:\*directfb\* glob but
I don't know how to view the result of this search/watch.

how to search for files?


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