[Development] Choosing a new MinGW for Qt/Qt Creator/Qt SDK

André Pönitz andre.poenitz at mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de
Sat Apr 21 01:07:55 CEST 2012

On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 06:33:54PM -0400, andy fillebrown wrote:
> Here are some attachments from a run using Creator 2.5 beta.  The
> project was built with the mingwbuild containing gcc 4.6.2 and gdb
> 7.4.  The .txt and .png suffixed with "call-stack" are the debugger
> log and a screen-capture of the debug run just after a breakpoint is
> hit.  The .txt and .png suffixed with
> "error-message-from-stepping-out-of-function" are the debugger log and
> a screen-capture of the debug run just after stepping out of the top
> function in the call stack.

This is


There had been rumours that this was solved in (really) recent gdb
builds like the ones that are intended to be shipped with Creator 2.5.

In theory, these should be also available on 


but it looks like Mr Jenkins suffers from hiccup again.


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