[Development] Serious problem with Modeless dialogs on Mac (Qt 4.8)

Robert Knight robertknight at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 19:44:20 CET 2012

> All modeless dialogs disappear behind the main application whenever
> the user clicks outside them (consider a Find/Replace dialog which
> always needs to be on top of the main application window).

Set the window type to Qt::Tool in the QDialog or QWidget constructor on
Mac, which corresponds to NSFloatingWindowLevel in Cocoa.

Taking your example of the Find/Replace dialog, if you look at this dialog
in Pages, you'll see that it is a tool window.  If you open a modeless
dialog which is not a tool window, like the preferences dialog, it
disappears behind the main window when the main window is given focus.


On 5 December 2012 15:40, Calogero Mauceri <mauceri at actgate.com> wrote:

> All modeless dialogs disappear behind the main application whenever the
> user clicks outside them (consider a Find/Replace dialog which always
> needs to be on top of the main application window).
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