[Development] Feature freeze and Alpha
shane.kearns at accenture.com
shane.kearns at accenture.com
Tue Feb 7 16:03:31 CET 2012
This is an important feature to make password prompts not block other unrelated network requests, and not require a nested event loop or multiple threads.
There are three places this feature is required:
1. sslErrors signal (QSslSocket and QNetworkReply)
- QSslSocket done by Peter, QNetworkReply started by peter
2. authenticationRequired signal (QNetworkReply)
- started by Peter
3. proxyAuthenticationRequired signal (QAbstractSocket and QNetworkReply)
- not started
see https://qt.gitorious.org/~p--hartmann/qt/p--hartmanns-qtbase/commits/auth-pause-squashed for the work already done for QNetworkAccessManager.
I don't know if what the barriers are to us using this, as it's the state of his work before leaving Nokia.
If there are no legal issues, then we should work on top of that commit so that code attribution is correct.
The concept is that when pausing is enabled (via the pause mode opt-in), then the signals are asynchronous.
Currently, the application must synchronously fill in the QAuthenticator credentials (or process ssl errors) before returning control to the signal emission point.
With the opt in, then the application should instead call the resume slot when the credentials are available.
We need to be careful with any code that uses QAuthenticatorPrivate, as it is rather fragile.
Regarding binary compatibility:
The pause mode enumeration in QAbstractSocket can be split if required.
e.g. asynchronous ssl errors supported in 5.0, asynchronous proxy authentication in 5.1 by having two separate opt-in flags.
(three opt-in flags may be needed for QNetworkAccessManager)
Regarding source compatibility:
With the opt-in, we are backwardly source compatible with Qt4.
If we change the behaviour to be asynchronous by default (with or without an opt-out), then we would be source incompatible.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: development-bounces+shane.kearns=accenture.com at qt-project.org
> [mailto:development-bounces+shane.kearns=accenture.com at qt-project.org]
> On Behalf Of Jonas M. Gastal
> Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 12:39
> To: development at qt-project.org
> Subject: Re: [Development] Feature freeze and Alpha
> On Sunday 05 February 2012 14:12:48 lars.knoll at nokia.com wrote:
> > These items are still open and we'll need feedback on them:
> > * network authentication and SLL errors without stalling QNAM
> > (QTBUG-16251, QTBUG-19032)
> Peter did some of the work on this: http://codereview.qt-
> project.org/13834
> I don't know if anyone is working on finishing it. I can try to carry
> this
> forward, but without knowing by when this would need to be done I can't
> make
> any promises.
> Gastal
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