[Development] RFC: The Future of QDoc

casper.vandonderen at nokia.com casper.vandonderen at nokia.com
Thu Feb 9 15:26:08 CET 2012

On 2/9/12 3:15 PM, "ext Keno Fischer" <kenof at stanford.edu> wrote:

>> Implement a new C++ parser
>Any plans on using Clang a parser? The wiki page mentioned Qt Creator's
>but it seems like Qt Creator will be moving away from its own
>in the future, so I think that might be something to consider. Also, since
>the necessary work on Clang is being done for Qt Creator anyway (I'm
>thinking of things like signals/slots) it might be worth to keep qdoc in
>mind when working on Clang for Qt Creator. Any thoughts?

I think that QDoc will indeed use the parser from Creator (whatever that
will be, the last answer from Andre Poenitz was to use a hybrid), unless
someone comes up with other great ideas.

The problem stays that QDoc is not fully modularized (QDoc will depend on
Creator/an independent module containing the parser). But maybe that is
something we cannot circumvent (unless we let QtBase depend on Clang and
have our own parser, but that will not work on every platform I assume).


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