[Development] QML engine C++ class renaming
Olivier Goffart
olivier at woboq.com
Thu Feb 16 13:12:16 CET 2012
On Thursday 16 February 2012 21:14:07 Alan Alpert wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Feb 2012 20:47:49 ext Olivier Goffart wrote:
> > On Thursday 16 February 2012 12:26:50 Alan Alpert wrote:
> > > The way QML compatibility is supposed to work is different from C++.
> > > Even
> > > for a minor version, you don't always just jump to the latest version.
> > > Your application continues using the version it was developed for until
> > > you choose to update it, deliberately, to a more recent version (note
> > > that if the C++ library updates you may get bugfixes transparently, this
> > > is primarily about feature additions/changes).
> >
> > This is a falacy!
> > When you upgrade the runtime, you anyway run into compatibility issues.
> > The application has been tested to work with the version QtQuick x.y, its
> > bug have been work arounded or avoided.
> > Now, you come with a new runtime, that pretends to still be load x.y, but
> > still fixes bugs? but often, fixing bugs mean also introducing new ones,
> > new bugs against which the application has not been tested. And the bugs
> > you fix have most likely been work arounded.
> For bugfixes I meant the ones that were safe in this regard. E.g a bug like
> "calling foo crashes qml" would get fixed but theoretically, a bug like
> "flickable is always 10 too short" would be in a minor version so that you
> could remove your +10 at exactly the right time.
So we have two problems here.
1) how do you leave the +10 in QtQuick 2.0 but not in QtQuick 2.1 with the
same codebase? you end up with lot of conditional like this?
Hello maintainence!
2) so when the programmer update its 100+ files application to QtQuick 2.1, he
suddenly notice some flickable don't have the right size. How many hours will
he take of debugging to find out where to remove that +10
> For introducing bugs, I can assure you that we already try not to do that ;)
(What if you did not change the QmlImage properly in my example? what if you
forgot to add the version condition?)
> > But why in QtQuick x.(y+1) must I change the import statement. Is there so
> > many incompatibilities that will make porting so difficult?
> Probably not. You'll probably change the import statement and it's perfect.
> But you can check per application. And consider the two major cases:
> A) Major version change. Let's be honest, you'll be lucky if nothing broke.
> This is where there are so many incompatibilities that porting needs to be
> taken seriously (even if we try sometimes to keep it from being difficult).
For major version change, I totally, agree.
> B) Minor version change. This just added some new features. If you don't
> need to use the new features, just keep importing the old version and it's
> fine. If you do need them, you signify that with an updated import at the
> time that you update your code to use new features. Note that because minor
> versions can add new features, it will always have the possibility of
> adding symbols (suddenly, there's a myObject property on this object and it
> shadows the one you were expecting to get from the root object sort of
> thing).
The problem is that you have a 100+ files application, Are going to mix import
> > The versioning in C++ is much better in that respect:
> >
> > void MyApplication::drawSomething(QPainter *p) {
> > #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050100
> >
> > p->drawFastTexture(m_texture);
> >
> > #else
> >
> > //slow path for old version of Qt
> > p->drawPixmap(m_texture.toPixmap());
> >
> > #endif
> > }
> >
> > void MyApplication::buttonPressed() {
> > #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050100
> >
> > if (qVersion() >= 0x050200) {
> >
> > QAwsomeFeature::run(m_data);
> >
> > } else {
> >
> > //workaround the bug in QAwsomeFeature with green nodes
> > QAwsomeFeature::run(m_data->removeGreenNodes());
> >
> > }
> >
> > #else
> >
> > showDialog("sorry, not available with this version of Qt");
> >
> > #endif
> > }
> >
> > Then the same source code compiles with different version of Qt and uses
> > the newer version of Qt if available. That is usefull for open source
> > project for example, where the distribution you target may or may not have
> > the newer Qt.
> It will be interesting to see how this works out in practice
Well, you don't need to wait. This is all hapenning.
Extreme example: you could compile KDevelop 2 with both Qt 2 and Qt 3.
And i remember doing it a lot when I was developping for Kopete.
> once there
> are distros that ship a different version of Qt. I may have seen qt 4.8 in
> a fedora somewhere, so this issue is just emerging. QML's approach doesn't
> seem as good for supporting multiple Qt versions "at once", but I'm not
> convinced that's the common case. (FYI: If you're making the app a QML/C++
> hybrid like you should then you can still use those #ifdefs... but it's
> less than ideal.)
There is no #ifdefs in QML
> > Of course, the inconvinient is that C++ is a static compiled language, and
> > then it needs to be compiled.
> >
> > But with QML you artifitially have this problem because you need to pick
> > you version.
> We actually do a lot of that sort of thing in QML. JS is an extremely
> dynamic language,
Yes, but the "import Quick 2.0" is very static
> and we bolt on QML with static types and a frozen global
> object. Because some restrictions make life a lot easier. This is one of
> them. If you had it left open, sure lots of cases would just work. But
> you'd also get the occasional problem which is a real pain in the ass, like
> a new symbol being added that shadows a variable name of yours.
> Or a behavioral change to an element you weren't expecting. This versioning
> scheme attempts to mitigate those risks by making it an opt-in upgrade,
> instead of letting the risks fly or (even worse) mitigating them by not
> adding new features at this rate.
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