[Development] (long) thoughts on categorized logging (qLog)
David Faure
david.faure at kdab.com
Thu Feb 23 12:48:09 CET 2012
Hi Lincoln,
Thanks for this updated vision for logging. I like this very much.
On Wednesday 22 February 2012 16:37:20 Lincoln Ramsay wrote:
> PART 1: The logging statements.
> qCDebug(PLUGIN) << "Scanning for plugins in" << paths;
> qCWarning(PLUGIN) << "Could not load plugin" << loader->errorString();
> PART 2: Compatibility with qDebug/qWarning
> qDebug() and qWarning() will be re-implemented as categorized logging
> statements. Both will use the same, hard-coded category. [...]
Very good. Please don't deprecate it though (you're already calling it
"legacy") ;)
I consider qDebug("foo") and qDebug() << "foo" to be the very useful "throw-
away" debugging, so indeed it should be on by default, and it should not be
considered deprecated/legacy.
> PART 3: Turning statements on/off.
> However, since there are likley to be many apps that don't care about
> logging (or may not expose a way to turn on logging in a third party
> library) there will also be a text-based config file that the user can
> create. Where should this file be located? Either the app sets the
> location of this file by calling qSetLoggingConfigFile() or the user
> sets the QT_LOGGING_CONFIG environment variable (which overrides the
> app's default). If the config file exists, the C++ API has no effect.
> QFileWatcher will be used to monitor the config file so that categories
> can be turned on/off while the program is running by updating the file.
Sounds good, except that I would want something more global than "one file per
application". When working on a framework or an entire desktop environment,
one needs to be able to toggle a debug area across all apps. But the
environment variable could be used for that, so that's a solution.
> PART 4: Formatting.
> There's a %{category} entry that can appear in the format string. This
> will be in the default format string.
> PART 5: Saving logs to a file.
> As a special case, the user can direct enabled messages to a file. This
> is done from the config file.
> # write output to a file (in the user's home directory)
> logging.output.file = file.txt
I suppose Windows users would expect relative paths to be "in the CWD, which
is usually the executable's directory"? Not sure.
Looks good.
David Faure | david.faure at kdab.com | KDE/Qt Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
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