[Development] Compiling Qt5 on Ubuntu Oneiric

Kate Alhola kate.alhola at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 13:32:55 CET 2012

Has anyone succeeded to compile current git snapshot with Ubuntu oneiric ?
Least, using ./configure -prefix $PWD/qtbase -opensource -confirm-license
it does not work.

I noticed that i get errors

First try fails with error from wekbit that "nullpointer" will be
reserved word g++0x ( -Werror causes this )

That could be fixed turning -Werror off on Linux

Then there is linking error because it links -lpthread -ljscore when
it should be -ljscore -lpthread

I have tried ./configure -prefix /home/kate/qt5/qt5/qtbase -opensource
-confirm-license -nomake tests -no-webkit
but that does not help, it still compiles jscore.


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