January 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jan 1 00:35:35 CET 2012
Ending: Tue Jan 31 23:50:51 CET 2012
Messages: 644
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Artur Souza (MoRpHeUz)
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Artur Souza (MoRpHeUz)
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Artur Souza (MoRpHeUz)
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Artur Souza (MoRpHeUz)
- [Development] Let's discuss QPluginManager
Artur Souza (MoRpHeUz)
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Eirik Aavitsland
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
João Abecasis
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
João Abecasis
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
João Abecasis
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
João Abecasis
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
João Abecasis
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
João Abecasis
- [Development] The future of QtAlgorithms
João Abecasis
- [Development] The future of QtAlgorithms
João Abecasis
- [Development] Dropping QT_NO_STL (was: The future of QtAlgorithms)
João Abecasis
- [Development] Dropping QT_NO_STL (was: The future of QtAlgorithms)
João Abecasis
- [Development] Dropping QT_NO_STL (was: The future of QtAlgorithms)
João Abecasis
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
Cristian Adam
- [Development] When is Qt 4.8 in Gerrit? (Was: Qt Commercial 4.8.0 release delta to LGPL version)
Sergio Ahumada
- [Development] Compiling Qt5 on Ubuntu Oneiric
Kate Alhola
- [Development] Compiling Qt5 on Ubuntu Oneiric
Kate Alhola
- [Development] Compiling Qt5 on Ubuntu Oneiric
Kate Alhola
- [Development] Text clipping in QtQuick 2.0
Alan Alpert
- [Development] More flexible window orientation API
Alan Alpert
- [Development] QT5 paiting scheme documentation
Alan Alpert
- [Development] Suggestion for new CI: "early warning" for qt5.git
Alan Alpert
- [Development] Suggestion for new CI: "early warning" for qt5.git
Alan Alpert
- [Development] QLocale work
Shaw Andy
- [Development] QLocale work
Shaw Andy
- [Development] Fwd: Not-so-common build options causing problems for Qt5/git?
Philip Ashmore
- [Development] check, Mate!
Charley Bay
- [Development] QRegularExpression -- first round of API review
Charley Bay
- [Development] The future of QtAlgorithms
Charley Bay
- [Development] My Android QhrisTma5 wish list.
- [Development] My Android QhrisTma5 wish list.
- [Development] My Android QhrisTma5 wish list.
- [Development] My Android QhrisTma5 wish list.
- [Development] V8's location
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] When is Qt 4.8 in Gerrit? (Was: Qt Commercial 4.8.0 release delta to LGPL version)
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] When is Qt 4.8 in Gerrit? (Was: Qt Commercial 4.8.0 release delta to LGPL version)
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] Qt Commercial 4.7.5 is out - how shall we contribute is the best?
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] Qt Commercial 4.7.5 is out - how shall we contribute is the best?
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] Qt Commercial 4.7.5 is out - how shall we contribute is the best?
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] Qt Commercial 4.7.5 is out - how shall we contribute is the best?
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] Hacking guide for Qt's SSL Support
Robin Burchell
- [Development] [Qt5-feedback] Issues porting android platform plugin from qt-android
Robin Burchell
- [Development] Compiling Qt5 on Ubuntu Oneiric
Robin Burchell
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Robin Burchell
- [Development] Qftp removal
Robin Burchell
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Robin Burchell
- [Development] Qt PIM object ids: the price of being generic
Robin Burchell
- [Development] QString::toHtmlEscaped()
Robin Burchell
- [Development] Nominating Robin Burchell for approver
Robin Burchell
- [Development] QString::toHtmlEscaped()
Robin Burchell
- [Development] Qt Commercial 4.7.5 is out - how shall we contribute is the best?
Robin Burchell
- [Development] Qt Commercial 4.7.5 is out - how shall we contribute is the best?
Robin Burchell
- [Development] Removing outdated / orphan wince contacts backend from QtContacts module
Robin Burchell
- [Development] QFileSystemWatcher in WIndows
Robin Burchell
- [Development] Fwd: Connecting mobile side with the server
Robin Burchell
- [Development] The future of QtAlgorithms
Robin Burchell
- [Development] The future of QtAlgorithms
Robin Burchell
- [Development] New Wayland Plugin instructions (on the Wayland web site)
Robin Burchell
- [Development] Dropping QT_NO_STL (was: The future of QtAlgorithms)
Robin Burchell
- [Development] Compatability break in QUrl in Qt 4.8
Robin Burchell
- [Development] Compatability break in QUrl in Qt 4.8
Robin Burchell
- [Development] Removing QContactThumbnail class from QtContacts API
Robin Burchell
- [Development] New Wayland Plugin instructions (on the Wayland web site)
Mark Constable
- [Development] New Wayland Plugin instructions (on the Wayland web site)
Mark Constable
- [Development] New QUrl implementation
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] QRegularExpression -- first round of API review
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] QRegularExpression -- first round of API review
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] QRegularExpression -- first round of API review
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] Removing QBool?
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] Role names and Proxy Models
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] QRegularExpression -- first round of API review
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] QRegularExpression -- first round of API review
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] QRegularExpression -- first round of API review
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] QRegularExpression -- first round of API review
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] Consent for including PCRE in Qt
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] QRegularExpression work
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] Re : QRegularExpression work
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] Re : QRegularExpression work
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] Use make before you push and stage
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] Use make before you push and stage
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit CONFIRMED
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Piotr Dobrogost
- [Development] Linking source with docs
Piotr Dobrogost
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Piotr Dobrogost
- [Development] Nominating Robin Burchell for approver
Denis Dzyubenko
- [Development] qt5 modules in namespaces
Denis Dzyubenko
- [Development] qt5 modules in namespaces
Denis Dzyubenko
- [Development] syncqt generated forward include headers
Denis Dzyubenko
- [Development] syncqt generated forward include headers
Denis Dzyubenko
- [Development] qt5 modules in namespaces
Denis Dzyubenko
- [Development] Source incompatible Qt 5 change: Removing the QTouchEvent::TouchPoint::Primary flag
Denis Dzyubenko
- [Development] API review: Updating QWheelEvent
Denis Dzyubenko
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
David Faure
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
David Faure
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
David Faure
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
David Faure
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
David Faure
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
David Faure
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
David Faure
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
David Faure
- [Development] Removing QBool?
David Faure
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
David Faure
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
David Faure
- [Development] QString::toHtmlEscaped()
David Faure
- [Development] New QUrl implementation
David Faure
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends - debug areas
David Faure
- [Development] QtCreator C++ code parser and clang integration status
Flex Ferrum
- [Development] Compiling Qt5 on Ubuntu Oneiric
Nicola De Filippo
- [Development] Tests, Shadow-Build and Cross-Compilation
Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- [Development] Tests, Shadow-Build and Cross-Compilation
Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- [Development] QLog ( Work on qDebug and friends)
Keith Gardner
- [Development] Qt's Gerrit changes
Jonas Gastal
- [Development] QHttp removal
Jonas M. Gastal
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
Jonas M. Gastal
- [Development] The future of QtAlgorithms
Jonas M. Gastal
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
Quim Gil
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
Quim Gil
- [Development] When is Qt 4.8 in Gerrit? (Was: Qt Commercial 4.8.0 release delta to LGPL version)
Quim Gil
- [Development] What's the story for Qt5 on Harmattan?
Quim Gil
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
Quim Gil
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
Quim Gil
- [Development] Qt's Gerrit changes
Quim Gil
- [Development] Trip report, Accessibility Hackfest, A Coruña
Quim Gil
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit CONFIRMED
Quim Gil
- [Development] Trip report, Accessibility Hackfest, A Coruña
Frederik Gladhorn
- [Development] Trip report, Accessibility Hackfest, A Coruña
Frederik Gladhorn
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Markus Goetz
- [Development] Ref-counted quit
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] QIcon, ... in QtGui (was: QStandardItemModel moved to "QtWidgets" module, not good idea?)
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Ref-counted quit
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Ref-counted quit
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] qt5 modules in namespaces
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Role names and Proxy Models
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Role names and Proxy Models
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Role names and Proxy Models
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends - debug areas
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends - debug areas
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Suggestion for new CI: "early warning" for qt5.git
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] The future of QtAlgorithms
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] The future of QtAlgorithms
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] The future of QtAlgorithms
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Tests, Shadow-Build and Cross-Compilation
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Compatability break in QUrl in Qt 4.8
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Dropping QT_NO_STL (was: The future of QtAlgorithms)
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Compatability break in QUrl in Qt 4.8
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Dropping QT_NO_STL (was: The future of QtAlgorithms)
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Fwd: Connecting mobile side with the server
Sivan Greenberg
- [Development] V8's location
Kent Hansen
- [Development] V8's location
Kent Hansen
- [Development] V8's location
Kent Hansen
- [Development] V8's location
Kent Hansen
- [Development] Suggestion for new CI: "early warning" for qt5.git
Kent Hansen
- [Development] Suggestion for new CI: "early warning" for qt5.git
Kent Hansen
- [Development] Suggestion for new CI: "early warning" for qt5.git
Kent Hansen
- [Development] Suggestion for new CI: "early warning" for qt5.git
Kent Hansen
- [Development] Hacking guide for Qt's SSL Support
Andreas Aardal Hanssen
- [Development] Use make before you push and stage
Andreas Aardal Hanssen
- [Development] QHttp removal
Peter Hartmann
- [Development] QHttp removal
Peter Hartmann
- [Development] Hacking guide for Qt's SSL Support
Peter Hartmann
- [Development] API review for a new QDnsResolver class
Peter Hartmann
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Peter Hartmann
- [Development] Does someone have plans to start working on the OAuth integration?
Peter Hartmann
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Mathias Hasselmann
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Mathias Hasselmann
- [Development] Let's discuss QPluginManager
Mathias Hasselmann
- [Development] Removing QContactThumbnail class from QtContacts API
Mathias Hasselmann
- [Development] Serious ABI issue discovered in -reduce-relocations
Simon Hausmann
- [Development] What's the story for Qt5 on Harmattan?
Simon Hausmann
- [Development] QTextFragment visibility option
Simon Hausmann
- [Development] What's the story for Qt5 on Harmattan?
Simon Hausmann
- [Development] Qt on WP Tango
Andreas Holzammer
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends
Diego Iastrubni
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends
Diego Iastrubni
- [Development] Re : QRegularExpression work
Davet Jacques
- [Development] Re : Re : QRegularExpression work
Davet Jacques
- [Development] Fwd: Connecting mobile side with the server
Raju Jaiswal
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit CONFIRMED
Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
- [Development] Ref-counted quit
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Ref-counted quit
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Ref-counted quit
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] QIcon, ... in QtGui (was: QStandardItemModel moved to "QtWidgets" module, not good idea?)
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] QtDesigner library made private in Qt5?
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] QtDesigner library made private in Qt5?
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] QtDesigner library made private in Qt5?
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Qt 5 feature freeze
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] sizeHint for QAbstractScrollArea, especially item views
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Qt 5 feature freeze
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] check, Mate!
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] check, Mate!
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] A better way to define Q_DEBUG? (was Re: Qt CMake and feature freeze)
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] check, Mate!
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] A better way to define Q_DEBUG? (was Re: Qt CMake and feature freeze)
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] QLatin1Constant and QtContacts / QtOrganizer
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] check, Mate!
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Role names and Proxy Models
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Role names and Proxy Models
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Role names and Proxy Models
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Role names and Proxy Models
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Role names and Proxy Models
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] QLocale work
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] proposing "removed apis" playground project
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Ideas for adding an argument with default value to a virtual method
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Ideas for adding an argument with default value to a virtual method
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Use make before you push and stage
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] QTimeScheme for Qt - 5.0 or 5.1?
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] QTimeScheme for Qt - 5.0 or 5.1?
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] QTimeScheme for Qt - 5.0 or 5.1?
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] QTimeScheme for Qt - 5.0 or 5.1?
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Enabling -fPIE globally
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Enabling -fPIE globally
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] QTimeScheme for Qt - 5.0 or 5.1?
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] QTimeScheme for Qt - 5.0 or 5.1?
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] QTimeScheme for Qt - 5.0 or 5.1?
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends
Frans Klaver
- [Development] Feature freeze date?
Friedemann Kleint
- [Development] Feature freeze date?
Friedemann Kleint
- [Development] Types defined in c++ plugin aren't available in QML code
Łukasz Korbel
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Peter Kuemmel
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Peter Kuemmel
- [Development] QtCreator C++ code parser and clang integration status
Peter Kuemmel
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Peter Kümmel
- [Development] Object destruction in QML 2
Thiago Lacerda
- [Development] QT5 paiting scheme documentation
Thiago Lacerda
- [Development] QT5 paiting scheme documentation
Thiago Lacerda
- [Development] API review for a new QDnsResolver class
Jeremy Lainé
- [Development] QHttp removal
Jeremy Lainé
- [Development] API review for a new QDnsResolver class
Jeremy Lainé
- [Development] API review for a new QDnsResolver class
Jeremy Lainé
- [Development] API review for a new QDnsResolver class
Jeremy Lainé
- [Development] QLocale work
John Layt
- [Development] QLocale work
John Layt
- [Development] QLocale work
John Layt
- [Development] QLocale work
John Layt
- [Development] QLocale work
John Layt
- [Development] QLocale work
John Layt
- [Development] QLocale work
John Layt
- [Development] QLocale work
John Layt
- [Development] QLocale work
John Layt
- [Development] QLocale work
John Layt
- [Development] QLocale work
John Layt
- [Development] QLocale work
John Layt
- [Development] QLocale work
John Layt
- [Development] QLocale work
John Layt
- [Development] check, Mate!
Gábor Lehel
- [Development] check, Mate!
Gábor Lehel
- [Development] check, Mate!
Gábor Lehel
- [Development] check, Mate!
Gábor Lehel
- [Development] check, Mate!
Gábor Lehel
- [Development] Removing QBool?
Gábor Lehel
- [Development] Removing QBool?
Gábor Lehel
- [Development] Issues porting android platform plugin from qt-android
Ismael Luceno
- [Development] Build errors with custom plugin
Ismael Luceno
- [Development] V8 doesn't build in cross-compilation
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] V8 doesn't build in cross-compilation
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] V8 doesn't build in cross-compilation
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Ref-counted quit
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Ref-counted quit
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] drawhelpers thread-safe?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Update: State of x86 SIMD in Qt
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Ref-counted quit
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Ref-counted quit
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Ref-counted quit
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Update: State of x86 SIMD in Qt
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Ref-counted quit
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Update: State of x86 SIMD in Qt
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Hacking guide for Qt's SSL Support
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Hacking guide for Qt's SSL Support
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QHttp removal
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] qt5 modules in namespaces
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] V8's location
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] V8's location
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Heads up: Removing -nokia-developer configure option
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] qt5 modules in namespaces
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] qt5 modules in namespaces
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] qt5 modules in namespaces
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] V8's location
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Possible bug in signals and slots handling in QML.
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Possible bug in signals and slots handling in QML.
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] syncqt generated forward include headers
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] New QUrl implementation
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Possible bug in signals and slots handling in QML.
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] New QUrl implementation
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] New QUrl implementation
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] API review for a new QDnsResolver class
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] API review for a new QDnsResolver class
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] API review for a new QDnsResolver class
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt 5 feature freeze
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt 5 feature freeze
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Compiling Qt5 on Ubuntu Oneiric
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Compiling Qt5 on Ubuntu Oneiric
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qftp removal
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Possible bug in signals and slots handling in QML.
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Feature freeze date?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Possible bug in signals and slots handling in QML.
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] API review for a new QDnsResolver class
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Feature freeze date?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Feature freeze date?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Removing QBool?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] check, Mate!
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] check, Mate!
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] check, Mate!
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] When is Qt 4.8 in Gerrit? (Was: Qt Commercial 4.8.0 release delta to LGPL version)
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] When is Qt 4.8 in Gerrit? (Was: Qt Commercial 4.8.0 release delta to LGPL version)
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QRegularExpression -- first round of API review
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Build errors with custom plugin
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qftp removal
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QRegularExpression -- first round of API review
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QRegularExpression -- first round of API review
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Source incompatible Qt 5 change: Removing the QTouchEvent::TouchPoint::Primary flag
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Serious ABI issue discovered in -reduce-relocations
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Serious ABI issue discovered in -reduce-relocations
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QLocale work
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QRegularExpression -- first round of API review
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QRegularExpression -- first round of API review
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QRegularExpression -- first round of API review
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] What's the story for Qt5 on Harmattan?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QRegularExpression -- first round of API review
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QLocale work
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] What's the story for Qt5 on Harmattan?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QLocale work
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt Commercial 4.7.5 is out - how shall we contribute is the best?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt Commercial 4.7.5 is out - how shall we contribute is the best?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt Commercial 4.7.5 is out - how shall we contribute is the best?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QLocale work
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Re : QRegularExpression work
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QLocale work
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Ideas for adding an argument with default value to a virtual method
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends - debug areas
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends - debug areas
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QTimeScheme for Qt - 5.0 or 5.1?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QTimeScheme for Qt - 5.0 or 5.1?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QTimeScheme for Qt - 5.0 or 5.1?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] The future of QtAlgorithms
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] New Wayland Plugin instructions (on the Wayland web site)
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Enabling -fPIE globally
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Enabling -fPIE globally
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] New Wayland Plugin instructions (on the Wayland web site)
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Enabling -fPIE globally
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] The future of QtAlgorithms
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Dropping QT_NO_STL (was: The future of QtAlgorithms)
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Compatability break in QUrl in Qt 4.8
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Compatability break in QUrl in Qt 4.8
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Dropping QT_NO_STL (was: The future of QtAlgorithms)
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Compatability break in QUrl in Qt 4.8
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Dropping QT_NO_STL (was: The future of QtAlgorithms)
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QTimeScheme for Qt - 5.0 or 5.1?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Dropping QT_NO_STL (was: The future of QtAlgorithms)
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Compatability break in QUrl in Qt 4.8
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Compatability break in QUrl in Qt 4.8
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Compatability break in QUrl in Qt 4.8
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Compiling Qt5 on Ubuntu Oneiric
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Instructions how to set up cherry-picking between Qt5 and Qt4 repositories?
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Tests, Shadow-Build and Cross-Compilation
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Use make before you push and stage
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Use make before you push and stage
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Suggestion for new CI: "early warning" for qt5.git
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Suggestion for new CI: "early warning" for qt5.git
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Use make before you push and stage
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Tests, Shadow-Build and Cross-Compilation
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] QGuiApplication::topLevelWindows()
Anselmo L. S. Melo
- [Development] QGuiApplication::topLevelWindows()
Anselmo L. S. Melo
- [Development] QGuiApplication::topLevelWindows()
Anselmo L. S. Melo
- [Development] The future of QtAlgorithms
Leandro T. C. Melo
- [Development] Qt Commercial 4.7.5 is out - how shall we contribute is the best?
Daniel Molkentin
- [Development] Hacking guide for Qt's SSL Support
Richard Moore
- [Development] Hacking guide for Qt's SSL Support
Richard Moore
- [Development] Hacking guide for Qt's SSL Support
Richard Moore
- [Development] Nominating Robin Burchell for approver
Richard Moore
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
Richard Moore
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Richard Moore
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Richard Moore
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Richard Moore
- [Development] QString::toHtmlEscaped()
Richard Moore
- [Development] V8 doesn't build in cross-compilation
Sergio Ahumada Navea
- [Development] V8 doesn't build in cross-compilation
Sergio Ahumada Navea
- [Development] QString::toHtmlEscaped()
Jedrzej Nowacki
- [Development] Use make before you push and stage
Jedrzej Nowacki
- [Development] Use make before you push and stage
Jedrzej Nowacki
- [Development] Tests, Shadow-Build and Cross-Compilation
Jedrzej Nowacki
- [Development] Qt Playground - 3D Audio module
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Qt Playground - 3D Audio module
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Qt Playground - 3D Audio module
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Use make before you push and stage
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] What's the story for Qt5 on Harmattan?
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
Sylvain Pointeau
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
Aleix Pol
- [Development] QLog ( Work on qDebug and friends)
Jordi Pujol
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
André Pönitz
- [Development] When is Qt 4.8 in Gerrit? (Was: Qt Commercial 4.8.0 release delta to LGPL version)
André Pönitz
- [Development] Proposing Nicolas Arnaud-Cormos for Approver Status
André Pönitz
- [Development] Re : QRegularExpression work
André Pönitz
- [Development] The future of QtAlgorithms
André Pönitz
- [Development] The future of QtAlgorithms
André Pönitz
- [Development] Dropping QT_NO_STL (was: The future of QtAlgorithms)
André Pönitz
- [Development] QtCreator C++ code parser and clang integration status
André Pönitz
- [Development] Let's discuss QPluginManager
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [Development] The future of QtAlgorithms
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [Development] Qt on WP Tango
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends - debug areas
Francesco R.(vivo)
- [Development] Ref-counted quit
Lincoln Ramsay
- [Development] Build errors with custom plugin
Lincoln Ramsay
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends - debug areas
Lincoln Ramsay
- [Development] Source incompatible Qt 5 change: Removing the QTouchEvent::TouchPoint::Primary flag
Samuel Rødal
- [Development] Source incompatible Qt 5 change: Removing the QTouchEvent::TouchPoint::Primary flag
Samuel Rødal
- [Development] More flexible window orientation API
Samuel Rødal
- [Development] More flexible window orientation API
Samuel Rødal
- [Development] QGuiApplication::topLevelWindows()
Samuel Rødal
- [Development] sizeHint for QAbstractScrollArea, especially item views
Christoph Schleifenbaum
- [Development] sizeHint for QAbstractScrollArea, especially item views
Christoph Schleifenbaum
- [Development] sizeHint for QAbstractScrollArea, especially item views
Christoph Schleifenbaum
- [Development] sizeHint for QAbstractScrollArea, especially item views
Christoph Schleifenbaum
- [Development] Possible bug in signals and slots handling in QML.
Atlant Schmidt
- [Development] Possible bug in signals and slots handling in QML.
Atlant Schmidt
- [Development] Possible bug in signals and slots handling in QML.
Craig Scott
- [Development] Possible bug in signals and slots handling in QML.
Tomasz Siekierda
- [Development] Possible bug in signals and slots handling in QML.
Tomasz Siekierda
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
Andre Somers
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
Andre Somers
- [Development] Nominating Robin Burchell for approver
André Somers
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends
André Somers
- [Development] QTextFragment visibility option
Pierre Stirnweiss
- [Development] QTextFragment visibility option
Pierre Stirnweiss
- [Development] API Advice needed: Mouse Shortcuts Database
Rick Stockton
- [Development] Correction: Mouse Shortcut Entry (another flag bit, etc.)
Rick Stockton
- [Development] New Wayland Plugin instructions (on the Wayland web site)
Rick Stockton
- [Development] Role names and Proxy Models
Johan Thelin
- [Development] Role names and Proxy Models
Johan Thelin
- [Development] When is Qt 4.8 in Gerrit? (Was: Qt Commercial 4.8.0 release delta to LGPL version)
Turunen Tuukka
- [Development] When is Qt 4.8 in Gerrit? (Was: Qt Commercial 4.8.0 release delta to LGPL version)
Turunen Tuukka
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
Turunen Tuukka
- [Development] When is Qt 4.8 in Gerrit? (Was: Qt Commercial 4.8.0 release delta to LGPL version)
Turunen Tuukka
- [Development] When is Qt 4.8 in Gerrit? (Was: Qt Commercial 4.8.0 release delta to LGPL version)
Turunen Tuukka
- [Development] When is Qt 4.8 in Gerrit? (Was: Qt Commercial 4.8.0 release delta to LGPL version)
Turunen Tuukka
- [Development] Qt Commercial 4.7.5 is out - how shall we contribute is the best?
Turunen Tuukka
- [Development] Qt Commercial 4.7.5 is out - how shall we contribute is the best?
Turunen Tuukka
- [Development] Problem with pushing my changes
Ramamurthy K V
- [Development] QStandardItemModel moved to "QtWidgets" module, not good idea?
Ville M. Vainio
- [Development] proposing "removed apis" playground project
Ville M. Vainio
- [Development] Qt Simulator with Qt 5?
Oliver Wolff
- [Development] Qftp removal
shane.kearns at accenture.com
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
shane.kearns at accenture.com
- [Development] When is Qt 4.8 in Gerrit? (Was: Qt Commercial 4.8.0 release delta to LGPL version)
shane.kearns at accenture.com
- [Development] Qftp removal
shane.kearns at accenture.com
- [Development] Qftp removal
shane.kearns at accenture.com
- [Development] Qftp removal
shane.kearns at accenture.com
- [Development] Qftp removal
shane.kearns at accenture.com
- [Development] QRegularExpression -- first round of API review
shane.kearns at accenture.com
- [Development] Legacy "trolltech" strings
shane.kearns at accenture.com
- [Development] proposing "removed apis" playground project
shane.kearns at accenture.com
- [Development] proposing "removed apis" playground project
shane.kearns at accenture.com
- [Development] Tests, Shadow-Build and Cross-Compilation
shane.kearns at accenture.com
- [Development] Problem with pushing my changes
shane.kearns at accenture.com
- [Development] QLog ( Work on qDebug and friends)
shane.kearns at accenture.com
- [Development] Removing QContactThumbnail class from QtContacts API
shane.kearns at accenture.com
- [Development] Compatability break in QUrl in Qt 4.8
shane.kearns at accenture.com
- [Development] Hacking guide for Qt's SSL Support
Craig.Scott at csiro.au
- [Development] Hacking guide for Qt's SSL Support
Craig.Scott at csiro.au
- [Development] Possible bug in signals and slots handling in QML.
Craig.Scott at csiro.au
- [Development] API review for a new QDnsResolver class
Craig.Scott at csiro.au
- [Development] API review for a new QDnsResolver class
Craig.Scott at csiro.au
- [Development] API review for a new QDnsResolver class
Craig.Scott at csiro.au
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Craig.Scott at csiro.au
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Craig.Scott at csiro.au
- [Development] API review for a new QDnsResolver class
Craig.Scott at csiro.au
- [Development] QFile: writing via a temporary file
Craig.Scott at csiro.au
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends
Craig.Scott at csiro.au
- [Development] Let's discuss QPluginManager
- [Development] Request for Qt playground space for JSON client/server
Andrew.Christian at nokia.com
- [Development] Does someone have plans to start working on the OAuth integration?
Tero.Aijala at nokia.com
- [Development] Status of QtDeclarative on Windows?
Todd.Rose at nokia.com
- [Development] Status of QtDeclarative on Windows?
Todd.Rose at nokia.com
- [Development] Status of QtDeclarative on Windows?
Todd.Rose at nokia.com
- [Development] Types defined in c++ plugin aren't available in QML code
Todd.Rose at nokia.com
- [Development] Text clipping in QtQuick 2.0
Todd.Rose at nokia.com
- [Development] Text clipping in QtQuick 2.0
Todd.Rose at nokia.com
- [Development] Text clipping in QtQuick 2.0
Todd.Rose at nokia.com
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends
Todd.Rose at nokia.com
- [Development] Possible bug in signals and slots handling in QML.
aaron.kennedy at nokia.com
- [Development] API review for a new QDnsResolver class
aaron.kennedy at nokia.com
- [Development] Possible bug in signals and slots handling in QML.
aaron.kennedy at nokia.com
- [Development] What's the story for Qt5 on Harmattan?
alex.blasche at nokia.com
- [Development] More qlogging discussions (was RE: Change I0a9b89c1: QtDebug: Include file, line, function information)
alex.blasche at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
alexandra.leisse at nokia.com
- [Development] Text clipping in QtQuick 2.0
andrew.den-exter at nokia.com
- [Development] QLocale work
andrew.den-exter at nokia.com
- [Development] Drag and Drop events.
andrew.den-exter at nokia.com
- [Development] Proposing Matt Vogt for Approver Status
bea.lam at nokia.com
- [Development] Proposing Matt Vogt for Approver Status
bill.king at nokia.com
- [Development] Use make before you push and stage
bradley.hughes at nokia.com
- [Development] Removing outdated / orphan wince contacts backend from QtContacts module
cristiano.di-flora at nokia.com
- [Development] Removing QContactThumbnail class from QtContacts API
cristiano.di-flora at nokia.com
- [Development] wiki login issues fixed
daniel.molkentin at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt Commercial 4.7.5 is out - how shall we contribute is the best?
daniel.molkentin at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt Commercial 4.7.5 is out - how shall we contribute is the best?
daniel.molkentin at nokia.com
- [Development] Let's discuss QPluginManager
eike.ziller at nokia.com
- [Development] Let's discuss QPluginManager
eike.ziller at nokia.com
- [Development] QtCreator C++ code parser and clang integration status
eike.ziller at nokia.com
- [Development] Compatability break in QUrl in Qt 4.8
ext-aapo.haapanen at nokia.com
- [Development] Compatability break in QUrl in Qt 4.8
ext-aapo.haapanen at nokia.com
- [Development] Instructions how to set up cherry-picking between Qt5 and Qt4 repositories?
ext-sami.1.rosendahl at nokia.com
- [Development] Instructions how to set up cherry-picking between Qt5 and Qt4 repositories?
ext-sami.1.rosendahl at nokia.com
- [Development] Instructions how to set up cherry-picking between Qt5 and Qt4 repositories?
ext-sami.1.rosendahl at nokia.com
- [Development] QStandardItemModel moved to "QtWidgets" module, not good idea?
gunnar.sletta at nokia.com
- [Development] State of QtDeclarative (noob question)
gunnar.sletta at nokia.com
- [Development] drawhelpers thread-safe?
gunnar.sletta at nokia.com
- [Development] QStandardItemModel moved to "QtWidgets" module, not good idea?
gunnar.sletta at nokia.com
- [Development] My Android QhrisTma5 wish list.
gunnar.sletta at nokia.com
- [Development] My Android QhrisTma5 wish list.
gunnar.sletta at nokia.com
- [Development] Status of QtDeclarative on Windows?
gunnar.sletta at nokia.com
- [Development] New Wayland Plugin instructions (on the Wayland web site)
holger.ihrig at nokia.com
- [Development] sizeHint for QAbstractScrollArea, especially item views
jan-arve.saether at nokia.com
- [Development] sizeHint for QAbstractScrollArea, especially item views
jan-arve.saether at nokia.com
- [Development] sizeHint for QAbstractScrollArea, especially item views
jan-arve.saether at nokia.com
- [Development] sizeHint for QAbstractScrollArea, especially item views
jan-arve.saether at nokia.com
- [Development] Let's discuss QPluginManager
jan-arve.saether at nokia.com
- [Development] Use make before you push and stage
jiang.jiang at nokia.com
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends - debug areas
joao.abecasis at nokia.com
- [Development] Suggestion for new CI: "early warning" for qt5.git
joao.abecasis at nokia.com
- [Development] Heads up: Removing -nokia-developer configure option
kai.koehne at nokia.com
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends
kai.koehne at nokia.com
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends - debug areas
kai.koehne at nokia.com
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends
kai.koehne at nokia.com
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends
kai.koehne at nokia.com
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends
kai.koehne at nokia.com
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends
kai.koehne at nokia.com
- [Development] Use make before you push and stage
kai.koehne at nokia.com
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends - debug areas
kai.koehne at nokia.com
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends - debug areas
kai.koehne at nokia.com
- [Development] What's the story for Qt5 on Harmattan?
kenneth.r.christiansen at nokia.com
- [Development] Trip report, Accessibility Hackfest, A Coruña
kenneth.r.christiansen at nokia.com
- [Development] Trip report, Accessibility Hackfest, A Coruña
kenneth.r.christiansen at nokia.com
- [Development] QString::toHtmlEscaped()
kranthi.kumar-kuntala at nokia.com
- [Development] Nominating Robin Burchell for approver
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Dropping iWMMXt?
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] State of x86 SIMD in Qt
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] State of x86 SIMD in Qt
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] QIcon, ... in QtGui (was: QStandardItemModel moved to "QtWidgets" module, not good idea?)
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] V8's location
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] V8's location
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt 5 feature freeze
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt 5 feature freeze
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt 5 feature freeze
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Feature freeze date?
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Feature freeze date?
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Removing QBool?
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Proposing Matt Vogt for Approver Status
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] When is Qt 4.8 in Gerrit? (Was: Qt Commercial 4.8.0 release delta to LGPL version)
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] QLatin1Constant and QtContacts / QtOrganizer
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] When is Qt 4.8 in Gerrit? (Was: Qt Commercial 4.8.0 release delta to LGPL version)
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Qftp removal
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] fixing name of QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Text clipping in QtQuick 2.0
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Text clipping in QtQuick 2.0
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] QLocale work
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] QLocale work
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] QLocale work
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] QString::toHtmlEscaped()
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Legacy "trolltech" strings
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Nominating Robin Burchell for approver
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Removing outdated / orphan wince contacts backend from QtContacts module
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt Playground - 3D Audio module
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt Commercial 4.7.5 is out - how shall we contribute is the best?
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt PIM object ids: the price of being generic
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] QLocale work
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] New QUrl implementation
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] QLocale work
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Consent for including PCRE in Qt
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] Use make before you push and stage
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] QTimeScheme for Qt - 5.0 or 5.1?
lars.knoll at nokia.com
- [Development] new API: QSensorGesture
lorn.potter at nokia.com
- [Development] QTimeScheme for Qt - 5.0 or 5.1?
lorn.potter at nokia.com
- [Development] QTimeScheme for Qt - 5.0 or 5.1?
lorn.potter at nokia.com
- [Development] V8's location
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
- [Development] qt5 modules in namespaces
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
- [Development] qt5 modules in namespaces
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
- [Development] New QUrl implementation
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
- [Development] Compiling Qt5 on Ubuntu Oneiric
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt 5 feature freeze
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
- [Development] When is Qt 4.8 in Gerrit? (Was: Qt Commercial 4.8.0 release delta to LGPL version)
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
- [Development] Status of QtDeclarative on Windows?
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt Commercial 4.7.5 is out - how shall we contribute is the best?
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
- [Development] Use make before you push and stage
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
- [Development] Enabling -fPIE globally
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
- [Development] New Wayland Plugin instructions (on the Wayland web site)
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
- [Development] New QUrl implementation
martin.jones at nokia.com
- [Development] Possible bug in signals and slots handling in QML.
martin.jones at nokia.com
- [Development] Proposing Matt Vogt for Approver Status
martin.jones at nokia.com
- [Development] Proposing Matt Vogt for Approver Status
martin.jones at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt Playground - 3D Audio module
michael.goddard at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt Playground - 3D Audio module
michael.goddard at nokia.com
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends
michael.goddard at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt Playground - 3D Audio module
michael.goddard at nokia.com
- [Development] Issues porting android platform plugin from qt-android
morten.sorvig at nokia.com
- [Development] API review: Updating QWheelEvent
morten.sorvig at nokia.com
- [Development] Drag and Drop events.
morten.sorvig at nokia.com
- [Development] Use make before you push and stage
morten.sorvig at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
quim.gil at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
quim.gil at nokia.com
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: when and where
quim.gil at nokia.com
- [Development] V8 doesn't build in cross-compilation
simon.hausmann at nokia.com
- [Development] V8's location
simon.hausmann at nokia.com
- [Development] V8's location
simon.hausmann at nokia.com
- [Development] heads-up: v8 module move
simon.hausmann at nokia.com
- [Development] Work on qDebug and friends - debug areas
wolfgang.beck at nokia.com
- [Development] Development Digest, Vol 4, Issue 94
wolfgang.beck at nokia.com
- [Development] Development Digest, Vol 4, Issue 94
wolfgang.beck at nokia.com
- [Development] QLog ( Work on qDebug and friends)
wolfgang.beck at nokia.com
- [Development] What's the story for Qt5 on Harmattan?
xizhi.zhu at nokia.com
- [Development] What's the story for Qt5 on Harmattan?
xizhi.zhu at nokia.com
- [Development] Legacy "trolltech" strings
xizhi.zhu at nokia.com
- [Development] Removing QContactThumbnail class from QtContacts API
xizhi.zhu at nokia.com
Last message date:
Tue Jan 31 23:50:51 CET 2012
Archived on: Sun Sep 29 11:21:29 CEST 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).