[Development] QLocale work

andrew.den-exter at nokia.com andrew.den-exter at nokia.com
Thu Jan 19 04:36:11 CET 2012

> On Wednesday, 18 de January de 2012 21.24.36, Shaw Andy wrote:
> > For what it is worth I also agree that it should be changed, having
> > recently having to deal with the QDoubleValidator problem when it came
> > to this became a right pain so making it only use the C locale unless
> > explicitly told otherwise would be fine by me
> Note we're suggesting that UI components and widgets should default to
> the system locale, not the C locale. But they should have a setLocale for
> changing if necessary.

 Should have?   They already do http://developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/qt-4.8/qvalidator.html#setLocale, from the sounds of things it's just the fallback to the C locale that needs to go away.

It's not exposed in QML though, I should probably do something about that.  https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-23713


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