[Development] QT5 paiting scheme documentation

Alan Alpert alan.alpert at nokia.com
Fri Jan 27 02:35:31 CET 2012

On Fri, 27 Jan 2012 08:27:52 ext Thiago Lacerda wrote:
> Is there any place where I can find any documentation of the new scheme of
> painting of Qt5 (scenegraph)?
> I'm trying to fix this bug
> https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-23571, which is pretty
> dependent on that and I noticed that all painting scheme has changed!

One thing to point out first is that Scenegraph is not 'the new way of 
painting in Qt5'. It is one way to paint things, and it is currently only used 
by QtQuick 2.

This helps explain why the code for it is in the qtdeclarative repo, 
src/quick/scenegraph. You can get up to speed on it by reading the comments in 
the coreapi folder (which is the qdoc for the main classes, but I'm not sure 
if it's properly generated in the doc snapshots yet).

That particular bug is more likely tied to the introduction of 
QQuickWindowManager, which was introduced to allow Qt Quick scenes to spread 
over multiple windows. This is the layer above scenegraph so you might not 
need to learn too many scenegraph details. But it's always good to learn new 
things :) .

Alan Alpert
Senior Engineer
Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks

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