[Development] Regression in QtQml

Robin Burchell robin+qt at viroteck.net
Sun Jul 15 21:46:03 CEST 2012


I was porting the QtQuick2 branch of MeeGo components to track recent
Qt 5 changes (removal of QT += declarative, old plugin loaders, etc).
I got it building, but I was running into errors running
examples/meego/QmlComponentGallery about things having "already been

Upon further inspection, the error appears to have been caused by

I don't know precisely why this is, although this loop looks a bit
strange to me:

                ConstIterator cend = qmldircomponents.constEnd();
                for (ConstIterator cit =
qmldircomponents.constBegin(); cit != cend; ++cit) {
                    for (ConstIterator cit2 =
qmldircomponents.constBegin(); cit2 != cit; ++cit2) {
                        if ((cit2->typeName == cit->typeName) &&
                            (cit2->majorVersion == cit->majorVersion) &&
                            (cit2->minorVersion == cit->minorVersion)) {
                            // This is entry clashes with a predecessor

That is, two loops wandering over the same container's start, is a
little strange, but I don't know whether this is really wrong.

Can anyone (Matthew?) take a look into this and tell me what the
appropriate fix is? For now, I've reverted this commit locally.

My components tree is at
https://github.com/nemomobile/qt-components/tree/qtquick2 - and can be
configured with (for example) ./configure -no-xdamage -meego which
should work on OS X.



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