[Development] Qt5 qtwebkit packaging

Zoltán Balogh zoltan.balogh at canonical.com
Wed Jun 6 15:46:34 CEST 2012


I am packaging the Qt5 modules for Ubuntu Precise/Quantal for both x86 
and ARM targets: 

  It is a fun exercise :) as week to week it requires some creativity as 
the code base evolves.

Most of the modules build well and their packaging is rather straight 

But the qtwebkit module (alias qt5-module) archives (ar cqs) 2184 object 
files to libWebCore.a That makes in most build environment/system even 
with a very short package name 120k size argument. It will be a huge 
(literally) problem. Is here anybody who I can work together to solve 
this problem. I am 1 inch away to provide the full set of Qt5 x86/armel 
packages for Ubuntu Precise and Quantal... the qtwebkit compiles, that 
is the last glitch.

I wonder if there is anybody who I can work together to prevent problems 
when we start packaging Qt5 for the distributions.



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