[Development] Becoming a Tier 1 platform and the CI System

André Somers andre at familiesomers.nl
Thu Jun 7 13:32:32 CEST 2012

Op 7-6-2012 13:28, Peter Kümmel schreef:
> On 07.06.2012 08:35, Rohan McGovern wrote:
>> Molkentin Daniel (Nokia-MP/Berlin) said:
>>>> It means that the current CI infrastructure is operated by Nokia and
>>>> can't have build nodes plugged in from outside of Nokia premises.  So,
>>>> if you need to manage your own build nodes, there is currently no way to
>>>> integrate with the Qt Project CI system.  Fixing this is a significant
>>>> project which I am not aware of anyone currently working on :(
>>> How likely/far away is it that we can switch from Pulse to Jenkins for CI? Because in that case, we could federate CI builds.
>> Nobody is working on it, so at the current rate of work, it is
>> infinitely far away :)
> Isn't thinking and discussion about also some kind of work?
> So work>  0 and 1/work<  infinity ;)
But, as we say here: "Niet lullen maar poetsen!" :-)


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