[Development] Qftp removal

Stefan Majewsky stefan.majewsky at googlemail.com
Wed Mar 7 00:11:33 CET 2012

2012/3/6 Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira at intel.com>:
>>      - Kio ? Is there a full Qt port available now ?
> What do you mean? KIO is and has always been written on top of Qt.

He's probably meaning a "Qt-only port", that is: minimal dependencies
on other KDE libraries. Such a KIO is not available /right now/. The
roadmap says that the split of KIO from kdelibs is going to happen
around May [1], but that's nowhere near a release. I expect that a
modularized KIO, as part of the KDE Development Platform 5.0, will not
become available for general consumption before Q3 2012.


[1] http://community.kde.org/Frameworks/Epics/Splitting_kdelibs

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