[Development] [Releasing] Qt 4.8.1 release during week 11/2012
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
Tue Mar 20 10:11:19 CET 2012
Please don't create the tags yet though. I've heard that there are a
couple of things that needs to be fixed first, though I have not received
an email on the issues yet.
On 3/20/12 9:20 AM, "ext Sergio Ahumada" <sergio.ahumada at nokia.com> wrote:
>On 03/20/2012 09:08 AM, ext Turunen Tuukka wrote:
>> Hi Girish,
>> No, we have not yet gained these. Who can create them?
>> The persons who should have the rights are:
>> iikka.eklund at digia.com
>> akseli.salovaara at digia.com
>> janne.anttila at digia.com
>> For the 4.8.1 we will just tag, as it was decided that we do 4.8.1
>> a branch. Naturally having a branch is good, but it is possible to do
>> without as well.
>> The release is ready, and so are the installers. We need confirmation
>> Nokia when they are ready to release. As the Qt Project does not have
>> distribution server for installers available now, we need to use Nokia's
>> servers (the same ones where all lgpl packages until 4.8.0 are). Digia's
>> existing servers are used for Qt Commercial distribution, and most
>> can not take the load of all commercial and lgpl users rushing to get
>> new version.
>> Yours,
>I've created a "Qt Release Team" group in Gerrit and I've added those
>people to the group. I think that's enough to create tags, not for
>branches yet though.
>Sergio Ahumada
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