[Development] [Releasing] Qt 4.8.1 release during week 11/2012
haithem rahmani
haithem.rahmani at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 08:46:19 CET 2012
sorry I forgot to edit the subject...
> >On 20.3.2012 11.11, "marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com"
> > ><marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com> wrote:
> > >
> > >>Please don't create the tags yet though. I've heard that there are a
> > >>couple of things that needs to be fixed first, though I have not
> received
> > >>an email on the issues yet.
> > >
> > >
> > >If there is something critical, we can of course fix. But since 4.8.1 is
> > >done without a branch, we can not easily pick any single items into the
> > >source. We would by default need to take in all the contributions up
> until
> > >the fix, which causes all items to be re-done and tested. As there is a
> > >large amount of eagerly waited fixes already in 4.8.1 I would not like
> to
> > >wait a couple of more weeks with it (as would be the case if we start
> over
> > >with the testing).
> >
> > The thing is, if there's issues that needs to be fixed coming from the
> > legal scan, we have no option, we need to fix them before we can
> > distribute the package.
> >
> I've found the following bug when using the qt-4.8.0:
> https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=81699
> it is a bit critical for me.
> Do I have to fill in bugreports.qt-project.org ?
> >
> > The solution then _could_ be to apply changes to the normal 4.8 branch,
> > and then we can cherry-pick only those changes on top of the current SHA1
> > and tag that. (A tag can be a commit, alas, does _not_ have to be a SHA1
> > from any of the branches. So, it's fully possible.)
> regards.
> Haithem.
> *
> "If you ask a question - you will be a fool for 5 minutes, otherwise
> ignorant for rest of your life"
> *
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