[Development] [Releasing] Qt 4.8.1 release during week 11/2012

benedikte.holm at nokia.com benedikte.holm at nokia.com
Wed Mar 21 10:30:26 CET 2012


I've found the following bug when using the qt-4.8.0:


it is a bit critical for me.
Do I have to fill  in bugreports.qt-project.org ?

[Benedikte] >> No, please don't. It will only be marked as reported upstream and closed again.
You need to track the issue on the WebKit tracker for this one.


> The solution then _could_ be to apply changes to the normal 4.8 branch,
> and then we can cherry-pick only those changes on top of the current SHA1
> and tag that. (A tag can be a commit, alas, does _not_ have to be a SHA1
> from any of the branches. So, it's fully possible.)


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