[Development] Plugin to change project's build/run settings

Claudio Scordino claudio.scordino at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 11:08:44 CET 2012

Hi all.

First of all, my congratulations for the amazing job that you have done 
with Qt Creator.

I need to create a plugin for Qt Creator that changes project's "Build 
Settings" and "Run Settings" in order to work with the Scratchbox2 

In practice, the plugin:
  - Can be enabled/disabled for each project separately.
  - If enabled, it must change:
    * the make command to "sb2 make -w"
    * the run command to "sb2 ...".

This change is already possible manually (e.g., by overriding make) but 
I need a way to let the plugin do it. [The idea is to add a panel to let 
the user specify the target, and leave the rest of the work to the plugin].

Can you please give me some hints about which classes/attributes I 
should look in order to change build settings and run settings ?

Many thanks for your help.


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