[Development] QtScript vs Qml/QJsEngine ?

Kent Hansen kent.hansen at nokia.com
Wed May 30 12:05:04 CEST 2012

Hi Stephen,

Den 26. mai 2012 12:51, skrev ext Stephen Kelly:
> Hi,
> There is a discussion on a kde list touching on whether there is a replacement
> for QtScript in Qt 5.
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.kde.devel.kwrite/32993/focus=75079
> Is the QJSEngine the start of public API providing a replacement for QtScript?

Yes, QJS will be a public API in Qt5.

It's not a full-fledged replacement for QtScript, though. QJS currently 
provides a subset of QtScript API/features. We've been careful to avoid 
introducing API that leaks back-end-specific details. While QJSEngine 
can be used alone, the primary use case of QJS is QML integration (i.e., 
using QJSValue to bridge between C++ and JS).

There's no plan to update QtScript to use a newer version or 
JavaScriptCore, or to use V8 as the back-end (because of the 
aforementioned implementation leaks in the API, which made it too 
costly/risky to maintain). The module is Done(tm).

Best regards,

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