May 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Tue May 1 01:48:53 CEST 2012
Ending: Thu May 31 20:18:34 CEST 2012
Messages: 682
- [Development] Desktop components: project directory structure
- [Development] Should we change the default codec of QTextStream to UTF-8?
- [Development] Should we change the default codec of QTextStream to UTF-8?
- [Development] Should we change the default codec of QTextStream to UTF-8?
- [Development] Should we change the default codec of QTextStream to UTF-8?
- [Development] Should we change the default codec of QTextStream to UTF-8?
- [Development] QWindowSystemInterface::handleMouseEvent() relative or absolute?
Laszlo Agocs
- [Development] Fixing input for eglfs and friends
Laszlo Agocs
- [Development] qpa api - current status
Laszlo Agocs
- [Development] topic branch feature in Gerrit
Sergio Ahumada
- [Development] topic branch feature in Gerrit
Sergio Ahumada
- [Development] Qt5-cross-qmake for harmattan?
Kate Alhola
- [Development] The place of QML
Kate Alhola
- [Development] (Harmattan) Qt Quick Components & Qt 5
Kate Alhola
- [Development] (Harmattan) Qt Quick Components & Qt 5
Kate Alhola
- [Development] [Poll] Which direction should Qt Quick 2.x development take?
Alan Alpert
- [Development] The place of QML
Alan Alpert
- [Development] The place of QML
Alan Alpert
- [Development] Approver status
Sven Anderson
- [Development] Approver status
Sven Anderson
- [Development] Having a reserved value for the platform enums was RE: Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
Shaw Andy
- [Development] The place of QML
Philip Ashmore
- [Development] The place of QML
Philip Ashmore
- [Development] Dynamic QtServiceFramework backend.
- [Development] The place of QML
- [Development] The place of QML
- [Development] The place of QML
- [Development] QDBus on Windows
Wolfgang Baron
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Charley Bay
- [Development] Qt5-cross-qmake for harmattan?
André Bergner
- [Development] pixel tracing for ui debugging
André Bergner
- [Development] Notifyfs: a fsevent monitor.
Stef Bon
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
Joerg Bornemann
- [Development] Crosscompile on Debian stable targeting MS Windows
Mark Brand
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Carsten Breuer
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Carsten Breuer
- [Development] Changing qreal to a float
Marco Bubke
- [Development] Reverting the QRegExp change?
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] UDS feedback
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] Using Transifex for handling Qt localization?
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] Using Transifex for handling Qt localization?
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] [Qt-l10n] Using Transifex for handling Qt localization?
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] UDS feedback
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] UDS feedback
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] [JEG] JIRA changes
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] Reverting the QRegExp change?
Robin Burchell
- [Development] The place of QML
Robin Burchell
- [Development] The place of QML
Robin Burchell
- [Development] Notifyfs: a fsevent monitor.
Robin Burchell
- [Development] Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
Robin Burchell
- [Development] Crosscompile on Debian stable targeting MS Windows
Donald Carr
- [Development] The place of QML
Donald Carr
- [Development] scenegraph performance on the Linux desktop
Donald Carr
- [Development] The place of QML
Donald Carr
- [Development] The place of QML
Donald Carr
- [Development] The place of QML
Donald Carr
- [Development] The place of QML
Donald Carr
- [Development] The place of QML
Donald Carr
- [Development] Proposal: Change Qt Slogan
Donald Carr
- [Development] Fixing input for eglfs and friends
Donald Carr
- [Development] The place of QML
Stephen Chu
- [Development] Compiler errors with clang 3.1
Stephen Chu
- [Development] Compiler errors with clang 3.1
Stephen Chu
- [Development] Compiler errors with clang 3.1
Stephen Chu
- [Development] Compiler errors with clang 3.1
Stephen Chu
- [Development] Reverting the QRegExp change?
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] Help debugging "impossible condition"
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] Help debugging "impossible condition"
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] #qt-labs IRC channel on
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] The place of QML
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] The place of QML
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] QtSDK4.8 build options
Zhang DaWei
- [Development] Darwin (OSX and iOS) cross compilers for Linux and Windows (and Darwin).
Ray Donnelly
- [Development] Qt 4.8.2 Git tag and changes-4.8.2 file
Iikka Eklund
- [Development] Late API addition in QScreen for 5.0
Christoph Feck
- [Development] Late API addition in QScreen for 5.0
Christoph Feck
- [Development] Qt and /Zwchar_t- flag for MSVC
Flex Ferrum
- [Development] Qt and /Zwchar_t- flag for MSVC
Flex Ferrum
- [Development] mkcal+qml qorganizer
Nicola De Filippo
- [Development] QtV8: Order of arguments on Runtime::kResolvePossiblyDirectEval inconsistent
Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- [Development] The place of QML
Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- [Development] QWindow::surfaceType and when it should be set
Holger Hans Peter Freyther
- [Development] How to submit an approved patch?
Jonas M. Gastal
- [Development] Qt 5.0 beta and final timelines
Quim Gil
- [Development] The place of QML
Quim Gil
- [Development] Fwd: Qt Contributors Summit update
Quim Gil
- [Development] Using Transifex for handling Qt localization?
Quim Gil
- [Development] Help: Qt CS pre-scheduled sessions
Quim Gil
- [Development] Help: Qt CS pre-scheduled sessions
Quim Gil
- [Development] Using Transifex for handling Qt localization?
Quim Gil
- [Development] The place of QML
Quim Gil
- [Development] The place of Qt Widgets (was Re: The place of QML)
Quim Gil
- [Development] Using Transifex for handling Qt localization?
Quim Gil
- [Development] Help: Qt CS pre-scheduled sessions
Quim Gil
- [Development] Using Transifex for handling Qt localization?
Quim Gil
- [Development] Qt Contributors Summit: REGISTER
Quim Gil
- [Development] (Harmattan) Qt Quick Components & Qt 5
Quim Gil
- [Development] need to handle touch events rather than depending on mouse event synthesis
Frederik Gladhorn
- [Development] Using Transifex for handling Qt localization?
Dimitris Glezos
- [Development] [Qt-l10n] Using Transifex for handling Qt localization?
Dimitris Glezos
- [Development] No implementation hints in Qt Documentation
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Supporting freedesktop icon themes in Qt5
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Which "Target Repository" to use for a Merge Request?
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] UDS feedback
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] unity3d plugin in QML webview
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Help debugging "impossible condition"
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] unity3d plugin in QML webview
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Speaking about Icons.
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Speaking about Icons.
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Compiler errors with clang 3.1
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] To "inline" or not (Was " Mutex future directions")
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] QtScript vs Qml/QJsEngine ?
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] things to do to make it easier to transit to a play ground project.
Sivan Greenberg
- [Development] Examples: Move file/image list to bottom of file
Sivan Greenberg
- [Development] UDS feedback
Sivan Greenberg
- [Development] Towards a Qt 5 beta: Documentation
Sivan Greenberg
- [Development] UDS feedback
Sivan Greenberg
- [Development] Help: Qt CS pre-scheduled sessions
Sivan Greenberg
- [Development] Documentation Session in QtCS 2012
Sivan Greenberg
- [Development] Bugreports for Playground projects
Sivan Greenberg
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
Sivan Greenberg
- [Development] Documentation Extras (Was: On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer)
Sivan Greenberg
- [Development] QtV8: Order of arguments on Runtime::kResolvePossiblyDirectEval inconsistent
Kent Hansen
- [Development] Notice: QtDeclarative compatibility module about to be removed
Kent Hansen
- [Development] Notice: QtDeclarative compatibility module about to be removed
Kent Hansen
- [Development] Qt5 API change coming up: QObject::connectNotify(const char *) --> connectNotify(QMetaMethod)
Kent Hansen
- [Development] Nominating Peter Varga for approver status
Kent Hansen
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
Kent Hansen
- [Development] QtScript vs Qml/QJsEngine ?
Kent Hansen
- [Development] QtScript vs Qml/QJsEngine ?
Kent Hansen
- [Development] QtPrintSupport - Platform Support
Sean Harmer
- [Development] QtPrintSupport - Platform Support
Sean Harmer
- [Development] Nominating Peter Varga for approver status
Simon Hausmann
- [Development] (Harmattan) Qt Quick Components & Qt 5
Simon Hausmann
- [Development] (Harmattan) Qt Quick Components & Qt 5
Simon Hausmann
- [Development] The place of QML
Frank Hemer
- [Development] The place of QML
Frank Hemer
- [Development] The place of QML
Frank Hemer
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
Andreas Holzammer
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
Andreas Holzammer
- [Development] Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
Andreas Holzammer
- [Development] Late API addition in QScreen for 5.0
Fredrik Höglund
- [Development] Late API addition in QScreen for 5.0
Fredrik Höglund
- [Development] QtScript vs Qml/QJsEngine ?
Diego Iastrubni
- [Development] Dynamic QtServiceFramework backend.
Corentin Jabot
- [Development] Dynamic QtServiceFramework backend.
Corentin Jabot
- [Development] Speaking about Icons.
Corentin Jabot
- [Development] Quick2 and Directx11 backend (Angle)
Corentin Jabot
- [Development] Quick2 and Directx11 backend (Angle)
Corentin Jabot
- [Development] How to handle duplicated zlib in different repos?
Anttila Janne
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
Rene Jensen
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
Rene Jensen
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
Rene Jensen
- [Development] Deprecation warnings are enabled
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Reverting the QRegExp change?
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] QtCore: qt_addObject and qt_removeObject
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] QtCore: qt_addObject and qt_removeObject
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Notice: QtDeclarative compatibility module about to be removed
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Notice: QtDeclarative compatibility module about to be removed
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Avoiding 'random' app.quit() in QtQuick applications.
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] QtScript vs Qml/QJsEngine ?
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Quick2 and Directx11 backend (Angle)
Friedemann Kleint
- [Development] Nominating Miikka Heikkinen for Approver status
Friedemann Kleint
- [Development] Quick2 and Directx11 backend (Angle)
Friedemann Kleint
- [Development] Opening virtual keyboard from inside qml on win7 with touch display
Daniel Kreuter
- [Development] Qt 4.8.2 Git tag and changes-4.8.2 file
Daniel Kreuter
- [Development] Qt5 binary installers
Daniel Kreuter
- [Development] The place of QML
Peter Kuemmel
- [Development] Print Dialog to print web page
Arun Kumar
- [Development] Downloading file from QWebView object
Arun Kumar
- [Development] The place of QML
Peter Kümmel
- [Development] The place of QML
Peter Kümmel
- [Development] The place of QML
Peter Kümmel
- [Development] Qt on FreeRTOS
Peter Kümmel
- [Development] Qt on FreeRTOS
Peter Kümmel
- [Development] Help: Qt CS pre-scheduled sessions
Thiago Lacerda
- [Development] Help: Qt CS pre-scheduled sessions
Thiago Lacerda
- [Development] QtPrintSupport - Platform Support
John Layt
- [Development] QtPrintSupport - Platform Support
John Layt
- [Development] QtPrintSupport - Platform Support
John Layt
- [Development] SIC: QAbstractPrintDialog & QAbstractPageSetupDialog
John Layt
- [Development] SIC: QAbstractPrintDialog & QAbstractPageSetupDialog
John Layt
- [Development] SIC: QAbstractPrintDialog & QAbstractPageSetupDialog
John Layt
- [Development] Supporting freedesktop icon themes in Qt5
Jerome Leclanche
- [Development] Supporting freedesktop icon themes in Qt5
Jerome Leclanche
- [Development] Supporting freedesktop icon themes in Qt5
Jerome Leclanche
- [Development] Proposal: Change Qt Slogan
Li, Samuel
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
Hugo Parente Lima
- [Development] Fixing input for eglfs and friends
Jørgen Lind
- [Development] Fixing input for eglfs and friends
Jørgen Lind
- [Development] Fixing input for eglfs and friends
Jørgen Lind
- [Development] qpa api - current status
Jørgen Lind
- [Development] qpa api - current status
Jørgen Lind
- [Development] [QT5] System fonts are not loaded in ubuntu 12.04
- [Development] important: upcoming rename of _qpa.h to _p.h
- [Development] How to build Qt5 out-of-source?
- [Development] How to build Qt5 out-of-source?
- [Development] How to build Qt5 out-of-source?
- [Development] [QT5] System fonts are not loaded in ubuntu 12.04
- [Development] Crosscompile on Debian stable targeting MS Windows
- [Development] Crosscompile on Debian stable targeting MS Windows
- [Development] Crosscompile on Debian stable targeting MS Windows
- [Development] Crosscompile on Debian stable targeting MS Windows
- [Development] Crosscompile on Debian stable targeting MS Windows
- [Development] Cross build failed of module-qtdeclarative
- [Development] Build failed use MinGW-TDM or MinGW-w64 on Windows
- [Development] Build failed use MinGW-TDM or MinGW-w64 on Windows
- [Development] Cross build failed of unsupported/win32-g++-cross mkspecs
- [Development] Build failed use MinGW-TDM or MinGW-w64 on Windows
- [Development] Cross build failed of module-qtdeclarative
- [Development] Build failed use MinGW-TDM or MinGW-w64 on Windows
- [Development] Build failed use MinGW-TDM or MinGW-w64 on Windows
- [Development] buildsystem-branch: build failed on Ubuntu 12.04
- [Development] buildsystem-branch: build failed on Ubuntu 12.04
- [Development] Quick2 and Directx11 backend (Angle)
- [Development] [Interest] Warining about: Project WARNING: QtGui cannot have a QT of gui
- [Development] Quick2 and Directx11 backend (Angle)
- [Development] Build broke on Windows 7 64bit, whatever out-of-source or in-source-tree
- [Development] Build broke on Windows 7 64bit, whatever out-of-source or in-source-tree
- [Development] Build broke on Windows 7 64bit, whatever out-of-source or in-source-tree
- [Development] Build broke on Windows 7 64bit, whatever out-of-source or in-source-tree
- [Development] Qt5 binary installers
- [Development] Regression: comapp.exe crashes when building Qt use nmake
- [Development] Build broke on Windows 7 64bit, whatever out-of-source or in-source-tree
- [Development] Supporting freedesktop icon themes in Qt5
Pier Luigi
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
Pier Luigi
- [Development] Reverting the QRegExp change?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Reverting the QRegExp change?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Dynamic QtServiceFramework backend.
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Status on QString's UTF-8 changes
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] [QTBUG-23273] Change to Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE interfaces
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] No implementation hints in Qt Documentation
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Reverting the QRegExp change?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] No implementation hints in Qt Documentation
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QtCore: qt_addObject and qt_removeObject
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] No implementation hints in Qt Documentation
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Quick note on the deprecations to be fixed
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Help debugging "impossible condition"
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Help debugging "impossible condition"
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Status on QString's UTF-8 changes
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Setters: Passing by value or const reference?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] [API] homogenising pimpled value class copying and moving
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] [API] homogenising pimpled value class copying and moving
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] How to build Qt5 out-of-source?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] The place of QML
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] The place of QML
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] UDS feedback
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] UDS feedback
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] The place of QML
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] The place of QML
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] How to build Qt5 out-of-source?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] [QTBUG-23273] Change to Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE interfaces
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Help debugging "impossible condition"
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Help debugging "impossible condition"
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] [QTBUG-23273] Change to Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE interfaces
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Help debugging "impossible condition"
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Deprecating QFile::encodeName/decodeName
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Help debugging "impossible condition"
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Deprecating QFile::encodeName/decodeName
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] How to submit an approved patch?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Link error about QtCore.dynlist
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QUrl fully-decoded path API
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] scenegraph performance on the Linux desktop
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Build issue with configure -developer-build for qtbase?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Build issue with configure -developer-build for qtbase?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Build issue with configure -developer-build for qtbase?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Build issue with configure -developer-build for qtbase?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Build issue with configure -developer-build for qtbase?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Ability to turn exceptions on and off being removed (was: Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default)
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Help: Qt CS pre-scheduled sessions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] SIC: QAbstractPrintDialog & QAbstractPageSetupDialog
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Source code path in the debug information
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Cross build failed of unsupported/win32-g++-cross mkspecs
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Build issue with configure -developer-build for qtbase?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] The place of QML
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] The place of QML
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] The place of QML
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] The place of QML
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] How to let QtCore and QtGui etc. static linked against with one precompiled object
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QUrl fully-decoded path API
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Compiler errors with clang 3.1
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Compiler errors with clang 3.1
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Compiler errors with clang 3.1
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] [Interest] Warining about: Project WARNING: QtGui cannot have a QT of gui
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] New maintainer for QtSql and QtXmlPatterns
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Bugreports for Playground projects
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] UDS feedback
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] To "inline" or not (Was " Mutex future directions")
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt on FreeRTOS
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Should we change the default codec of QTextStream to UTF-8?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Mutex future directions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Fixing input for eglfs and friends
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] topic branch feature in Gerrit
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QObject-trees and QSharedPointer jaymala shah
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] How to handle duplicated zlib in different repos?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] NOTE: Gerrit / Codereview upgrade - Service unavailable Thursday May 24, 09:00 - 09:30 CEST
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Should we change the default codec of QTextStream to UTF-8?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Should we change the default codec of QTextStream to UTF-8?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Should we change the default codec of QTextStream to UTF-8?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Should we change the default codec of QTextStream to UTF-8?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Approver status
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Having a reserved value for the platform enums was RE: Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Build broke on Windows 7 64bit, whatever out-of-source or in-source-tree
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Build broke on Windows 7 64bit, whatever out-of-source or in-source-tree
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QtScript vs Qml/QJsEngine ?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt and /Zwchar_t- flag for MSVC
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Alpha 2 this week or skip it
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Alpha 2 this week or skip it
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Alpha 2 this week or skip it
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Package 2012-05-31 build failure in QtWebKit
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Desktop components: project directory structure
Alberto Mardegan
- [Development] File chooser dialog as a Qt Component - API design
Alberto Mardegan
- [Development] License for Qt Desktop Components
Alberto Mardegan
- [Development] Proposal: Change Qt Slogan
Alberto Mardegan
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
Alberto Mardegan
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
Alberto Mardegan
- [Development] (Harmattan) Qt Quick Components & Qt 5
Alberto Mardegan
- [Development] [CI] reverse dependency testing
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] [CI] reverse dependency testing
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Qt 5.0 beta and final timelines
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] important: upcoming rename of _qpa.h to _p.h
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Current qt5 version from git does not compile with VS2010
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] How to submit an approved patch?
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Build issue with configure -developer-build for qtbase?
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Cross build failed of unsupported/win32-g++-cross mkspecs
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Cross build failed of unsupported/win32-g++-cross mkspecs
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Bugreports for Playground projects
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Current qt5 version from git does not compile with VS2010
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Build broke on Windows 7 64bit, whatever out-of-source or in-source-tree
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Build broke on Windows 7 64bit, whatever out-of-source or in-source-tree
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
Rohan McGovern
- [Development] The place of QML
Ariel Molina
- [Development] No implementation hints in Qt Documentation
Richard Moore
- [Development] Blog aggregation ( was Re: The place of QML)
Richard Moore
- [Development] [API] homogenising pimpled value class copying and moving
Marc Mutz
- [Development] Setters: Passing by value or const reference?
Marc Mutz
- [Development] [API] homogenising pimpled value class copying and moving
Marc Mutz
- [Development] unity3d plugin in qml webview
Mülner, Helmut
- [Development] unity3d plugin in QML webview
Mülner, Helmut
- [Development] unity3d plugin in QML webview
Mülner, Helmut
- [Development] Current qt5 version from git does not compile with VS2010
Mülner, Helmut
- [Development] Current qt5 version from git does not compile with VS2010
Mülner, Helmut
- [Development] Current qt5 version from git does not compile
Mülner, Helmut
- [Development] Alpha 2 this week or skip it
Mülner, Helmut
- [Development] Bugreports for Playground projects
Sergio Ahumada Navea
- [Development] UDS feedback
Sergio Ahumada Navea
- [Development] Nominating Peter Varga for approver status
Jedrzej Nowacki
- [Development] QtScript vs Qml/QJsEngine ?
Jedrzej Nowacki
- [Development] things to do to make it easier to transit to a play ground project.
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Bugreports for Playground projects
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Desktop components: project directory structure
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Qt5-cross-qmake for harmattan?
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Qt5-cross-qmake for harmattan?
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] #qt-labs IRC channel on
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Building a module on Mac with Qt4
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Bugreports for Playground projects
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] The place of QML
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Qt 5.0 beta and final timelines
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Proposal: Change Qt Slogan
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Bugreports for Playground projects
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Bugreports for Playground projects
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Approver status
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] [JEG] JIRA changes
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] [JEG] JIRA changes
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] (Harmattan) Qt Quick Components & Qt 5
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] (Harmattan) Qt Quick Components & Qt 5
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] [JEG] JIRA changes
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] [JEG] JIRA changes
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Approver status
Daker Pinheiro
- [Development] Approver status
Sylvain Pointeau
- [Development] QtCore: qt_addObject and qt_removeObject
Harri Porten
- [Development] The place of QML
Jordi Pujol
- [Development] looking for chart examples
Purdy, Edgar
- [Development] Deprecation warnings are enabled
André Pönitz
- [Development] Reverting the QRegExp change?
André Pönitz
- [Development] The place of QML
André Pönitz
- [Development] The place of QML
André Pönitz
- [Development] The place of QML
André Pönitz
- [Development] Approver status
André Pönitz
- [Development] Qt 5.0 beta and final timelines
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] important: upcoming rename of _qpa.h to _p.h
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] Downloading file from QWebView object
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] Late API addition in QScreen for 5.0
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] Late API addition in QScreen for 5.0
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] important: upcoming rename of _qpa.h to _p.h
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] important: upcoming rename of _qpa.h to _p.h
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] important: upcoming rename of _qpa.h to _p.h
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] important: upcoming rename of _qpa.h to _p.h
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] important: upcoming rename of _qpa.h to _p.h
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] json api for modifying document
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] json api for modifying document
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] important: upcoming rename of _qpa.h to _p.h
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] UDS feedback
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] How to submit an approved patch?
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] scenegraph performance on the Linux desktop
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] Help: Qt CS pre-scheduled sessions
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] Help: Qt CS pre-scheduled sessions
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] The place of QML
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] QWindowSystemInterface::handleMouseEvent() relative or absolute?
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] UDS feedback
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] UDS feedback
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] Fixing input for eglfs and friends
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] Fixing input for eglfs and friends
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] Fixing input for eglfs and friends
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] qpa api - current status
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] qpa api - current status
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] qpa api - current status
Girish Ramakrishnan
- [Development] UDS feedback
Lincoln Ramsay
- [Development] NOTE: Gerrit / Codereview upgrade - Service unavailable Thursday May 24, 09:00 - 09:30 CEST
Matias Rand
- [Development] The place of QML
Uwe Rathmann
- [Development] The place of QML
Uwe Rathmann
- [Development] The place of QML
Uwe Rathmann
- [Development] The place of QML
Uwe Rathmann
- [Development] Proposal: Change Qt Slogan
Uwe Rathmann
- [Development] QtCore: qt_addObject and qt_removeObject
Adriano Rezende
- [Development] UDS feedback
Jaroslav Reznik
- [Development] Late API addition in QScreen for 5.0
Samuel Rødal
- [Development] Late API addition in QScreen for 5.0
Samuel Rødal
- [Development] Late API addition in QScreen for 5.0
Samuel Rødal
- [Development] Late API addition in QScreen for 5.0
Samuel Rødal
- [Development] Late API addition in QScreen for 5.0
Samuel Rødal
- [Development] The place of QML
Samuel Rødal
- [Development] QWindowSystemInterface::handleMouseEvent() relative or absolute?
Samuel Rødal
- [Development] Proposal: Change Qt Slogan
Samuel Rødal
- [Development] qpa api - current status
Samuel Rødal
- [Development] qpa api - current status
Samuel Rødal
- [Development] QtPrintSupport - Platform Support
Christoph Schleifenbaum
- [Development] QtPrintSupport - Platform Support
Christoph Schleifenbaum
- [Development] QtPrintSupport - Platform Support
Christoph Schleifenbaum
- [Development] The place of QML
Atlant Schmidt
- [Development] The place of QML
Atlant Schmidt
- [Development] The place of QML
Atlant Schmidt
- [Development] The place of QML
Atlant Schmidt
- [Development] The place of QML
Atlant Schmidt
- [Development] The place of QML
Atlant Schmidt
- [Development] The place of QML
Atlant Schmidt
- [Development] The place of QML
Atlant Schmidt
- [Development] To "inline" or not (Was " Mutex future directions")
Atlant Schmidt
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
Atlant Schmidt
- [Development] Which "Target Repository" to use for a Merge Request?
Carl Schumann
- [Development] Which "Target Repository" to use for a Merge Request?
Carl Schumann
- [Development] How to submit an approved patch?
Carl Schumann
- [Development] How to submit an approved patch?
Carl Schumann
- [Development] #qt-labs IRC channel on
Carl Schumann
- [Development] Build issue with configure -developer-build for qtbase?
Carl Schumann
- [Development] Build issue with configure -developer-build for qtbase?
Carl Schumann
- [Development] Build issue with configure -developer-build for qtbase?
Carl Schumann
- [Development] Fwd: Change in qt/qtbase[master]: Fix bug when destruction fields in QWizard
Carl Schumann
- [Development] NOTE: Gerrit / Codereview upgrade - Service unavailable Thursday May 24, 09:00 - 09:30 CEST
Carl Schumann
- [Development] Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
Yan Shapochnik
- [Development] Bugreports for Playground projects
Denis Shienkov
- [Development] #qt-labs IRC channel on
André Somers
- [Development] The place of QML
André Somers
- [Development] looking for chart examples
André Somers
- [Development] Proposal: Change Qt Slogan
André Somers
- [Development] Approver status
André Somers
- [Development] Approver status
André Somers
- [Development] Approver status
André Somers
- [Development] RFC: Test Reports for source/binary packages
Marius Storm-Olsen
- [Development] Current qt5 version from git does not compile
Brett Stottlemyer
- [Development] Current qt5 version from git does not compile
Brett Stottlemyer
- [Development] QtPrintSupport - Platform Support
Katajisto Teemu
- [Development] Qt on FreeRTOS
Johan Thelin
- [Development] The place of QML
Turunen Tuukka
- [Development] Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
Turunen Tuukka
- [Development] Approver status
Turunen Tuukka
- [Development] Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
Turunen Tuukka
- [Development] Alpha 2 this week or skip it
Turunen Tuukka
- [Development] No implementation hints in Qt Documentation
Pierre Vorhagen
- [Development] No implementation hints in Qt Documentation
Pierre Vorhagen
- [Development] Crosscompile on Debian stable targeting MS Windows
Fan Yang
- [Development] QWindowSystemInterface::handleMouseEvent() relative or absolute?
Johannes Zellner
- [Development] Fixing input for eglfs and friends
Johannes Zellner
- [Development] Fixing input for eglfs and friends
Johannes Zellner
- [Development] How to build Qt5 out-of-source?
Xizhi Zhu
- [Development] Bugreports for Playground projects
shane.kearns at
- [Development] Which "Target Repository" to use for a Merge Request?
shane.kearns at
- [Development] Which "Target Repository" to use for a Merge Request?
shane.kearns at
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
shane.kearns at
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
shane.kearns at
- [Development] unity3d plugin in QML webview
shane.kearns at
- [Development] #qt-labs IRC channel on
shane.kearns at
- [Development] Build failed use MinGW-TDM or MinGW-w64 on Windows
shane.kearns at
- [Development] QUrl fully-decoded path API
shane.kearns at
- [Development] NOTE: Gerrit / Codereview upgrade - Service unavailable Thursday May 24, 09:00 - 09:30 CEST
shane.kearns at
- [Development] Qt5 binary installers
shane.kearns at
- [Development] Approver status
shane.kearns at
- [Development] JIRA changes
shane.kearns at
- [Development] Crosscompile on Debian stable targeting MS Windows
k blammo
- [Development] Crosscompile on Debian stable targeting MS Windows
k blammo
- [Development] Crosscompile on Debian stable targeting MS Windows
k blammo
- [Development] Crosscompile on Debian stable targeting MS Windows
k blammo
- [Development] Cross build failed of module-qtdeclarative
k blammo
- [Development] Cross build failed of unsupported/win32-g++-cross mkspecs
k blammo
- [Development] Cross build failed of unsupported/win32-g++-cross mkspecs
k blammo
- [Development] Cross build failed of unsupported/win32-g++-cross mkspecs
k blammo
- [Development] Cross build failed of unsupported/win32-g++-cross mkspecs
k blammo
- [Development] The place of QML
- [Development] The place of QML
- [Development] The place of QML
- [Development] The place of QML
- [Development] The place of QML
- [Development] The place of QML
- [Development] Proposal: Change Qt Slogan
- [Development] [Announce] Qt Creator 2.5.0 released
List for announcements regarding Qt releases and development
- [Development] UDS feedback
a.grandi at
- [Development] Source code path in the debug information
vivo75 at
- [Development] [Interest] mkcal+qml qorganizer
xizhi.zhu at
- [Development] [QT5] System fonts are not loaded in ubuntu 12.04
liang jian
- [Development] Crosscompile on Debian stable targeting MS Windows
- [Development] New maintainer for QtSql and QtXmlPatterns
Juha.Vuolle at
- [Development] Nominating Jean Gressmann for Approver status
alex.blasche at
- [Development] Nominating Ian Chen for Approver status
alex.blasche at
- [Development] Nominating Ian Chen for Approver status
alex.wilson at
- [Development] Resolving the wiki situtation
alexandra.leisse at
- [Development] Approver status
andre.poenitz at
- [Development] Dynamic QtServiceFramework backend.
andrew.stanley-jones at
- [Development] Deprecation warnings are enabled at
- [Development] Deprecation warnings are enabled at
- [Development] Mutex future directions at
- [Development] Mutex future directions at
- [Development] Mutex future directions at
- [Development] Qt 5.0 beta and final timelines
casper.vandonderen at
- [Development] No implementation hints in Qt Documentation
casper.vandonderen at
- [Development] Examples: Move file/image list to bottom of file
casper.vandonderen at
- [Development] UDS feedback
casper.vandonderen at
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
christopher.adams at
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
christopher.adams at
- [Development] Documentation Extras (Was: On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer)
christopher.adams at
- [Development] Help: Qt CS pre-scheduled sessions
cristiano.di-flora at
- [Development] QtCS: Calling all Qt/Qt SDK maintainers
daniel.molkentin at
- [Development] Jira Maintenance May 30
finn.aasheim at
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
frederik.gladhorn at
- [Development] Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
frederik.gladhorn at
- [Development] Late API addition in QScreen for 5.0
gunnar.sletta at
- [Development] Dynamic QtServiceFramework backend.
jan-arve.saether at
- [Development] Nominating Miikka Heikkinen for Approver status
jason.mcdonald at
- [Development] Desktop components: project directory structure
jens.bache-wiig at
- [Development] License for Qt Desktop Components
jens.bache-wiig at
- [Development] Nominating Venugopal Shivashankar for Approver status
jerome.pasion at
- [Development] [QT5] System fonts are not loaded in ubuntu 12.04
jiang.jiang at
- [Development] [QT5] System fonts are not loaded in ubuntu 12.04
jiang.jiang at
- [Development] The place of QML
kai.koehne at
- [Development] Notice: QtDeclarative compatibility module about to be removed
kai.koehne at
- [Development] Nominating Simjees Abraham as an approver
kai.koehne at
- [Development] Reverting the QRegExp change?
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Reverting the QRegExp change?
lars.knoll at
- [Development] [QTBUG-23273] Change to Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE interfaces
lars.knoll at
- [Development] The place of QML
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
lars.knoll at
- [Development] json api for modifying document
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Enable Exceptions for Windows CE as default
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Notice: QtDeclarative compatibility module about to be removed
lars.knoll at
- [Development] [QTBUG-23273] Change to Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE interfaces
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Deprecating QFile::encodeName/decodeName
lars.knoll at
- [Development] QUrl fully-decoded path API
lars.knoll at
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
lars.knoll at
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Mutex future directions
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Proposal: Change Qt Slogan
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Proposal: Change Qt Slogan
lars.knoll at
- [Development] New maintainer for QtSql and QtXmlPatterns
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Should we change the default codec of QTextStream to UTF-8?
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Should we change the default codec of QTextStream to UTF-8?
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Approver status
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Nominating Venugopal Shivashankar for Approver status
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Approver status
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Should we change the default codec of QTextStream to UTF-8?
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Nominating Miikka Heikkinen for Approver status
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Having a reserved value for the platform enums was RE: Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
lars.knoll at
- [Development] qpa api - current status
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Qt and /Zwchar_t- flag for MSVC
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Alpha 2 this week or skip it
lars.knoll at
- [Development] Fixing input for eglfs and friends
laszlo.p.agocs at
- [Development] [Poll] Which direction should Qt Quick 2.x development take?
marius.storm-olsen at
- [Development] [CI] reverse dependency testing
marius.storm-olsen at
- [Development] RFC: Test Reports for source/binary packages
marius.storm-olsen at
- [Development] important: upcoming rename of _qpa.h to _p.h
marius.storm-olsen at
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
marius.storm-olsen at
- [Development] Build failed use MinGW-TDM or MinGW-w64 on Windows
marius.storm-olsen at
- [Development] The place of QML
marius.storm-olsen at
- [Development] The place of QML
marius.storm-olsen at
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
marius.storm-olsen at
- [Development] Build failed use MinGW-TDM or MinGW-w64 on Windows
marius.storm-olsen at
- [Development] qtphonon's status.
marius.storm-olsen at
- [Development] On QML, ownership, QObject-trees and QSharedPointer
marius.storm-olsen at
- [Development] JIRA changes
mark.keir at
- [Development] [JEG] JIRA changes
mark.keir at
- [Development] Suggested improvements to JIRA
mark.keir at
- [Development] [JEG] JIRA changes
mark.keir at
- [Development] Removing obsolete overload for QQmlEngine::importPlugin
matthew.vogt at
- [Development] File chooser dialog as a Qt Component - API design
morten.sorvig at
- [Development] Desktop components: project directory structure
morten.sorvig at
- [Development] Quick2 and Directx11 backend (Angle)
morten.sorvig at
- [Development] Binary incompatible changes to Qt 4.8
morten.sorvig at
- [Development] (Harmattan) Qt Quick Components & Qt 5
morten.sorvig at
- [Development] Qt5 binary packages for testing
morten.sorvig at
- [Development] Crosscompile on Debian stable targeting MS Windows
sarah.j.smith at
- [Development] Qt 4.8.2 Git tag and changes-4.8.2 file
simo.falt at
- [Development] Qt5 binary installers
simo.falt at
- [Development] Qt5 binary installers
simo.falt at
- [Development] Qt5 binary packages for testing
simo.falt at
- [Development] Alpha 2 this week or skip it
simo.falt at
- [Development] [QTBUG-23273] Change to Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE interfaces
simon.hausmann at
- [Development] (Harmattan) Qt Quick Components & Qt 5
simon.hausmann at
- [Development] Link error about QtCore.dynlist
song.7.liu at
- [Development] Link error about QtCore.dynlist
song.7.liu at
- [Development] Source code path in the debug information
song.7.liu at
- [Development] How to let QtCore and QtGui etc. static linked against with one precompiled object
song.7.liu at
- [Development] [Interest] Warining about: Project WARNING: QtGui cannot have a QT of gui
song.7.liu at
- [Development] The place of QML
- [Development] Quick2 and Directx11 backend (Angle)
- [Development] Qt5 binary installers
- [Development] Qt 5.0 beta and final timelines
- [Development] QSettings native format on Unix
Иван Комиссаров
- [Development] The place of QML
Иван Комиссаров
- [Development] The place of QML
Иван Комиссаров
- [Development] The place of QML
Иван Комиссаров
- [Development] The place of QML
Иван Комиссаров
Last message date:
Thu May 31 20:18:34 CEST 2012
Archived on: Sun Sep 29 11:21:34 CEST 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).