[Development] Proposal: New list of Qt 5 reference / Tier 1 platforms

Koehne Kai Kai.Koehne at digia.com
Tue Nov 6 17:08:06 CET 2012

The list of reference & Tier 1 platforms at http://qt-project.org/wiki/Qt-5#Platforms is somewhat out of date ... Here is a new proposal

Reference Platforms:

We have the following platform configurations as reference platforms for Qt 5.0:

PLATFORM                      CONFIGURATION                             COMPILER
linux-x86-32-gcc-x11          Ubuntu Linux 11.10 ×86 32 bit, X11        as provided
linux-x86-64-gcc-x11          Ubuntu Linux 11.10 ×86 64 bit, X11        as provided
windows-7-32-msvc2010-angle   Microsoft Windows 7 32 bit, ANGLE         MSVC2010-SP1 32-bit
osx-10.7-64                   Apple Mac OS X 10.7 "Lion" Cocoa 64 bit   as provided

Tier 1 platforms:

In addition to the reference platform configurations, we support the following configurations on Tier 1 level.

PLATFORM                      CONFIGURATION                             COMPILER
windows-7-64-msvc2010-angle   Microsoft Windows 7 64 bit, ANGLE         MSVC2010-SP1 64-bit
windows-7-32-msvc2010-opengl  Microsoft Windows 7 32 bit, OpenGL        MSVC2010-SP1 32-bit
windows-7-64-msvc2010-opengl  Microsoft Windows 7 64 bit, OpenGL        MSVC2010-SP1 64-bit
windows-7-32-mingw-builds     Microsoft Windows XP Windows 7 32 bit     gcc 4.7 (MinGW-builds)
windows-xp-32-msvc2008        Microsoft Windows XP SP3 32 bit           MSVC 2008 32-bit
osx-10.6-64                   Apple Mac OS X 10.6 Cocoa 64 bit          as provided


Before you shoot, check http://qt-project.org/groups/qt-contributors-summit-2011/wiki/Qt5ProductDefinition#4582cf86974b397c8f3a2ed2fd502f8c to see what we agreed upon back then what the requirements of a 'reference platform' and 'Tier 1 platform' are, specifically  that they are in tested by the CI system, and are available as alpha, beta, final packages.

windows-7-64-msvc2010, windows-7-64-msvc2010-angle, windows-7-32-mingw-builds aren't checked in the CI system right now. Still I think they are important enough to deserve an exception, and remain in Tier 1.

I understood that whether we can keep osx-10.6-64 bit as Tier 1 platform for qtwebkit is yet unclear.

Finally, I don't know what to do  with the *wayland, *mips, *icc platforms in the current version of the page.



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