[Development] Qt4.8.x, qdoc3 not available Qt env variables from *.qdocconf file

Lincoln Ramsay a1291762 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 23:31:20 CET 2012

On 29/11/12 22:46, Denis Shienkov wrote:
> docs_target.commands = "set QTDOC=$$QTDOC$$escape_expand(\\n\\t)$$QDOC3 $$QDOCCONF"

This won't work.

make treats separate "lines" as completely separate commands. You cannot 
set a variable in one line and use it in another. You must pass all 
statements as one line.

Unix shell supports this nice format:
unix:docs_target.commands = "QTDOC=$$QTDOC $$QDOC3 $$QDOCCONF"

Or you can write something more generic that works on Unix and Windows:
docs_target.commands = "$$set QTDOC=$$QTDOC && $$QDOC3 $$QDOCCONF"


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