[Development] prevDirtyItem while SceneGrapHrendering

Wehmer, Matthias Matthias.Wehmer at draeger.com
Thu Oct 4 12:57:28 CEST 2012

Hi everybody,

I have the following issue with the SceneGraph and QQuickItem.
I call the update() of my QQuickItem class from a worker thread instead of the main thread. There I get sometimes the assert warning, that prevDirtyItem is a Null pointer. I looked it up in the source code (qquickitem.cpp) and it seems that this has something to do rather with the pure frequence of calling it than with a bad synchronization. I have to call the update() method roughly every other 20 ms. Has anyone of you gathered some experiences or an idea, how to workaround this? Maybe I'm doing it completely wrong.

Thanks a lot.
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