[Development] Moving QtMobility to qt-project.org

Joseph Crowell joseph.w.crowell at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 14:24:15 CEST 2012

On 10/15/2012 10:21 PM, Sze Howe Koh wrote:
> Pardon my ignorance; before reading this I thought that QtMobility had 
> been merged into Qt 5 as add-on modules. May I ask why functionality 
> is still being kept duplicated?

So did I, as well as QtMultimediaKit now being renamed to QtMultimedia 
and made an essentials model.
> Sze-Howe
> On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 7:50 PM, Knoll Lars <Lars.Knoll at digia.com 
> <mailto:Lars.Knoll at digia.com>> wrote:
>     I agree as well. I'll check if there's any legal issues in moving
>     the code to the project, and then try to get it done as soon as
>     possible.
>     Cheers,
>     Lars
>     On Oct 15, 2012, at 11:46 AM, Angel Perles <aperles at disca.upv.es
>     <mailto:aperles at disca.upv.es>> wrote:
>     > +1 for this.
>     >
>     > Everyone is solving their own problems with QtMobility and if is
>     > becoming fragmented.
>     >
>     > Regards,
>     > Àngel
>     >
>     > El 15/10/12 10:24, Thomas McGuire escribió:
>     >> Hi,
>     >>
>     >> I'd like to propose to move QtMobility to the qt-project.org
>     <http://qt-project.org>.
>     >>
>     >> The main reason I am proposing this is that we (RIM + KDAB)
>     right now have a
>     >> fork of QtMobility living on Gitorious [1]. This fork contains
>     backends for
>     >> sensors and multimedia for the new BB10 mobile OS, and will
>     likely gain
>     >> support for NFC and Bluetooth as well. It contains some API
>     additions too.
>     >> In addition to BB10, the Mer project also has patches for
>     QtMobility [2], and
>     >> the Android port has a backend [3]. Lorn Potter is working on
>     backporting
>     >> sensor gestures to QtMobility [4].
>     >>
>     >> As you can see, there is still interest in QtMobility. Having
>     it on qt-
>     >> project.org <http://project.org> would potentially reduce the
>     number of forks and patches that are
>     >> around. At least we are committed to properly upstream all
>     patches of the BB10
>     >> fork.
>     >>
>     >> There are multiple advantages of making qt-project.org
>     <http://qt-project.org> the home for
>     >> QtMobility. First of all, we'd gain a proper review process
>     through Gerrit.
>     >> The docs would live on qt-project.org <http://qt-project.org>
>     as well, which is naturally the first
>     >> place people look for documentation. Right now the documenation
>     for the API
>     >> additions for BB10 are hard to find, for example. In general,
>     getting rid of a
>     >> fork is almost always a good idea.
>     >>
>     >> Any objections to this? How can we make this happen?
>     >>
>     >> The first steps would be to set up Gerrit for QtMobility and
>     make sure commits
>     >> to Gerrit end up on Gitorious.
>     >> After that, we'd upstream the BlackBerry backend and the new
>     API via Gerrit
>     >> and get rid of the forked repository.
>     >>
>     >> There is already documentation at [5]. Is that auto-generated
>     from the
>     >> Gitorious repository automatically? If so, there is nothing to
>     do in that
>     >> area, hopefully.
>     >>
>     >> Eventually, we'd create a new 1.3 release with the BlackBerry
>     backend and the
>     >> new API (or maybe a 2.0 release even).
>     >>
>     >> Any thoughts?
>     >>
>     >> Regards,
>     >> Thomas
>     >>
>     >> [1]
>     https://gitorious.org/+kdab-developers/qt-mobility/qnx-qt-mobility
>     >> [2]
>     http://gitweb.merproject.org/gitweb?p=mer-core/qt-mobility.git;a=summary
>     >> [3] http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=android-qt-mobility.git
>     >> [4] https://qt.gitorious.org/~lpotter/qt-mobility/lpotters-qt-
>     <https://qt.gitorious.org/%7Elpotter/qt-mobility/lpotters-qt->
>     >> mobility/commit/2fd397a87e567dad8c48e2d7c1d35050a569d160
>     >> [5] http://doc.qt.digia.com/qtmobility/index.html
>     >
>     > --
>     > 2ª edición Curso CFP "Introducción a los microcontroladores ARM
>     Cortex-M"
>     > http://armcortexm.blogs.upv.es/
>     >
>     *************************************************************************
>     > Angel F. Perles Ivars
>     >
>     > Departament d'Informàtica de Sistemes i Computadors - DISCA
>     > Universitat Politècnica de València - E.U.Informàtica
>     > Cami de Vera s/n. 46022-Valencia
>     > Edifici 1G Despatx 2S-13
>     > e-mail: aperles at disca.upv.es <mailto:aperles at disca.upv.es>
>     > Telf.+34 963877007 Ext. 75775
>     <tel:%2B34%20963877007%20Ext.%2075775> Fax.+34 963877579
>     <tel:%2B34%20963877579>
>     > http://www.disca.upv.es/aperles
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