[Development] Replacing Cleanlooks and Plastique

Nurmi J-P jpnurmi at digia.com
Mon Oct 15 19:36:31 CEST 2012

> Actually i like the proposed style, i am not sure if it's better that Plastique but
> seems fine for me, the problem it's that with a new style we can have, for
> example, new bugs of stylesheets. I am not sure remove the actual working
> styles with the first release of Fusion it's a good idea.

They must be removed from Qt 5.0. If not, the next chance is Qt 6.0. Naturally KDE or any application may still deploy them if desired. We are looking for options to provide them as easily integratable addons. They just wouldn't be part of the core distribution, and no longer actively maintained (unless someone steps up and volunteers to maintain the addon).

J-P Nurmi

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