[Development] Summary of renaming changes

Thiago Macieira thiago.macieira at intel.com
Thu Oct 18 17:30:03 CEST 2012

After all of my patches are integrated, here are the changes that will happen:

- bin:
The following tools have been renamed:
	qmake	-> qmake5
	moc		-> moc5
	uic		-> uic5
	rcc		-> rcc5
	qdbusxml2cpp -> qdbusxml2cpp5
	qdbuscpp2xml -> qdbuscpp2xml5
	lconvert	-> lconvert5
	lrelease	-> lrelease5
	lupdate	-> lupdate5
	xmlpatterns -> xmlpatterns5
	xmlpatternsvalidator -> xmlpatternsvalidator5

	qmlviewer -> qml1viewer
	[qml1plugindump had already been renamed]

	qmlscene	-> qml2scene
	qmlplugindump -> qml2plugindump
	qmlbundle -> qml2bundle
	qmlmin -> qml2min
	qmlprofiler -> qml2profiler
	qmltestrunner -> qml2testrunner

The following tools require more information:
	qdoc: not renamed because the Qt 4 version was called "qdoc3"
	qhelpgenerator, qcollectiongenerator, qhelpconverter: they apparently 
	keep backwards compatibility, so they should replace the Qt 4 versions
	qglinfo: new tool from qt3d

The following are user applications and they have not and will not be renamed:

 - lib:
All libraries are now called libQt5Name.so.5 on Unix systems, 
libQt5Name(_debug).5.dylib on Mac, Qt5Name(d).dll on Windows. This also 
applies to the qmake .prl files, the libtool .la files and the pkg-config .pc 
files. The cmake files had already had the "5".

EXCEPT in Mac Framework builds. Since the header search path takes the 
framework's name, for source compatibility, the framework builds did not get 
the "5" in the name.

 - include:
No change.

 - doc:
On Windows builds and on -no-prefix-install builds, no change. Otherwise, the 
default install path is now $prefix/share/qt5/doc.

Question: should it be $prefix/doc/qt5 to match autoconf's default?

 - mkspecs:
On Windows builds, on -no-prefix-install builds, and on builds with -hostprefix, 
no change. Otherwise, the default install path is now $prefix/lib/qt5/mkspecs.

 - plugins:
The default install path is now $prefix/lib/qt5/plugins on all systems.

 - imports:
The default install path is now $prefix/lib/qt5/imports on all systems. It 
applies to QML 1 and Qt Quick 1 only.

QML2 imports go to "qmldir", which defaults to $prefix/lib/qt5/qml on all 

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
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