[Development] Summary of renaming changes

Olivier Goffart olivier at woboq.com
Thu Oct 18 18:23:38 CEST 2012

On Thursday 18 October 2012 08:30:03 Thiago Macieira wrote:
> After all of my patches are integrated, here are the changes that will
> happen:
> - bin:
> The following tools have been renamed:
> 	qmake	-> qmake5
> 	moc		-> moc5
> 	uic		-> uic5
> 	rcc		-> rcc5
> 	qdbusxml2cpp -> qdbusxml2cpp5
> 	qdbuscpp2xml -> qdbuscpp2xml5
> 	lconvert	-> lconvert5
> 	lrelease	-> lrelease5
> 	lupdate	-> lupdate5
> 	xmlpatterns -> xmlpatterns5
> 	xmlpatternsvalidator -> xmlpatternsvalidator5

Thiago, I think you are going to ruin Qt5 the same way one could ruin a 
nuclear powerplant by installing an ugly pink bikesheet in front of it.

I agree with Ossi on this matter.

I will add that i don't like to rename qmake to qmake5 because:

One runs firefox, not firefox15. 
Then you will say firefox is different because you don't want different 
version of firefox? But what about web designer who want to test their 
website? You may say it is less common. I say most user don't need qmake which 
is in a dev package on many distributions. Only developpers need, and they 
probably only need one of them.

Same for g++,  they did not rename when binary compatibility was broken.

Take the most recent example of python.  They did not rename the executable.  
Some distribution renamed the new one to python3, some other (archlinux) 
renamed the old one python2.  

Let the distributions solve the distributor's problem.


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