[Development] Cleanup of QCoreApplication::watchUnixSignal

Philip Ashmore contact at philipashmore.com
Thu Oct 25 16:33:13 CEST 2012

On 25/10/12 15:16, Rafael Roquetto wrote:
> Hello,
> Afaik QCoreApplication::watchUnixSignal() seems to be no longer used, at least
> in Qt5. If that is really the case, would anyone object doing away with it
> (and removing the overhead from QEventDispatchUnix::doSelect() and co.)?
> Otherwise, what are the possible use cases?
Could it be made optional?

Just because it's not used by Qt internally doesn't IMHO make it a 
candidate for removal.

I've used Qt for years and the whole issue of program termination, fault 
handling and reporting, bug report generation etc. seem to be missing 
from the documentation - or maybe it's called something else.

This is from someone who doesn't know how to send qdebug messages to the 
console or if they're flushed when a Qt program is killed, so please 
excuse my ignorance in advance.

> Any thoughts?
>   - Rafael
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