[Development] Git commit hook keywords

simon.hausmann at nokia.com simon.hausmann at nokia.com
Sun Sep 16 08:05:17 CEST 2012


According to the Jira URL you posted, it show a bit further down that it was Robin [1] who added the Gerrit
ID to the bug report.

It's an interesting idea to put Gerrit IDs into Jira's change field, although it gives the reporter of the bug the
impression that a fix is available in a target branch/version of Qt (or a module) when it isn't just yet.

At local git commit time or git push time it's not possible to know what the final sha1 of the change is going to
be once it hits the target branch, because the additional cherry-pick that happens in Gerrit/CI changes it. And since
a change can bounce (I think we've all see than when trying to get a change into qtbase :), it may be cherry-picked
multiple times until it passes through the CI system.

I think it would be nice if there was a server side hook that would know about about the mapping of _certain_
repository/branch pairs that belong to a "Fixed version" field in Jira and record the successful entrance of
changes back in Jira through for example a Task-Number: QTBUG-[0-9]+ filter. I would like such an approach because
it gets the _timing_ right towards the reporter of the bug (a potential user of Qt who's awaiting a fix).

To my knowledge such a system is not implemented yet, so in the mean time I believe we all have wait and
watch the progress our changes make in the CI system and after a successful pass figure out the sha1 ourselves
to close the Jira bug manually.


[1] Some people say that he's a robot, but in his function I believe he specializes in producing large quantities of
awesome code instead of being a commit hook ;-)

From: ext Giuseppe D'Angelo [dangelog at gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2012 1:34
To: Hausmann Simon (Nokia-MP/Oslo)
Cc: lpapp at kde.org; development at qt-project.org
Subject: Re: [Development] Git commit hook keywords

On 16 September 2012 00:09,  <simon.hausmann at nokia.com> wrote:
> Is there an actual hook that triggers when somebody uses Task-number: QTBUG-1234 in a commit message? I am under the impression that at this point it is merely a convention that could be hooked up with Jira in the future.

I think *something* happens. For instance:


lists the commits that contained the right Task-number word. But I
have no idea about who or what is picking up those commit ids and
putting them into the JIRA task.

Giuseppe D'Angelo

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