[Development] 6 months & 2 Qt versions to solve a P1 bug ? Warning:Rant

Jordi Pujol pisoengracia at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 13:15:28 CEST 2013

Hi folks,

Just a doubt, It's normal to have a P1 task
( https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-29716 ) from February
19th without a workaround nor a solution or patch ?

I've ported my application to Qt5, when Qt 5.0.1 was out. No luck, every
time I open a file selection window, the application hangs.

I waited till 5.1.0 was "baked" and tried again. Now file selection
works, but after testing on a real environment I've had to go back, to
4.8.5, because with any compilation that I could deploy ( Win XP, Win 7,
Win Server 2008 R2 with terminal server ) if freezes when  security
dialog (Ctrl+Alt+Del) or - for RDP - when minimize/maximize the RDP

Right now I cannot use Qt5 for nothing on windows. I've made all the
effort to port and I cannot use it due to weird errors.

Is hard to believe that a such important platform, with a big codebase
of Qt based applications gets to little love from their maintainers...

Hope this can be solved soon, right now I'm stuck with Qt4 


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