[Development] Building a QtAddon from git

Chris Craig craig at ics.com
Sat Aug 10 03:37:24 CEST 2013

Sigh.  I haven't tried building qtjsonstream with 5.1 yet.  It looks like a
MODULE_VERSION is now required in .qmake.conf.  Try adding something like:


to .qmake.cache

I am not sure what the correct value should be for a playground module that
is more or less stagnant should be.  Does it need to get bumped with each
release like the official modules?  Perhaps Sergio, Ossi, or somebody else
who does this stuff can chime in.

Once I figure out what the value should be, I'll change it in qtjsonstream
and qtprocessmanager.


On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 9:16 AM, Christian Gagneraud <chgans at gna.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been using qt5 stable git branch for a while now, and it's
> relatively easy to update and rebuild.
> However, I would like to build a couple of QtAddons, of which qtjsonstream.
> When pulled from git this module comes with a pro file that just
> contains 1 line: "load(qt_parts)"
> I tried naively to add this addon to my qt5 tree by doing:
> - move qtjsonstream directory into qt5 dir
> - add "addModule(qtjsonstream, qtbase)" in qt.pro
> - mkdir build
> - cd build; ../configure [...]
> - make
> But unfortunately qtjsonstream didn't get built, if i cd into
> qt5/build/qtjsonstream and issue a make command, i get the following error:
>   krys at linux-z8sp:~/local/qt5/build/qtjsonstream> make
> cd src/ && ( test -e Makefile ||
> /home/krys/local/qt5/build/qtbase/bin/qmake
> /home/krys/local/qt5/qtjsonstream/src/src.pro -o Makefile ) && make -f
> Makefile
> make[1]: Entering directory `/home/krys/local/qt5/build/qtjsonstream/src'
> cd jsonstream/ && ( test -e Makefile ||
> /home/krys/local/qt5/build/qtbase/bin/qmake
> /home/krys/local/qt5/qtjsonstream/src/jsonstream/jsonstream.pro -o
> Makefile ) && make -f Makefile
> Project ERROR: Module does not define version.
> make[1]: *** [sub-jsonstream-make_first] Error 3
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/krys/local/qt5/build/qtjsonstream/src'
> make: *** [sub-src-make_first] Error 2
> I would like to add qlogger to my build too, but ran into similar
> problems ...
> Any hint or point out appreciated,
> Chris
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