[Development] Code Coverage of QtBase - new report available online

Sébastien Fricker fricker at froglogic.com
Fri Feb 1 07:11:13 CET 2013

the Qt5 code coverage report is displaying now the code coverage report of the modifications since Qt5.0.0.

So for QtBase 3 reports are  now online:
The actual coverage report of the master branch (computed on a daily basis)
The code coverage of Qt5.0.0 (never updated)
The code coverage of the difference between master and qt5.0.0  (computed on a daily basis)

The difference is computed on following basis:
If the source code of a function was modified since Qt5.0.0, the function should be retested and so is included into the coverage report.
If the function is not modified since Qt5.0.0, its coverage report is ignored.

The result looks promising:
The report of the modification only concerns only 1% of the global QtBase code (245000 instrumentation for Qt5, the diff is working on 2000 instrumentations)
It permits to check if the new code and fixes for Qt5.0.1 are correctly tested by the unit tests
The text differences are highlighted like for a usual diff tool (see: http://download.froglogic.com/public/qt5-squishcoco-report/cmp_QtBase/source_112.html#line382)

To watch the report: http://download.froglogic.com/public/qt5-squishcoco-report/

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