[Development] abandoning stale changes on gerrit

Jeremy Katz jeremy.k.list at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 19:43:13 CET 2013

On 01/31/2013 03:19 AM, Chris Adams wrote:
> Slightly off-topic, but in any event, I think we can all agree that 
> there's a huge difference between a good QML API and a good C++ API.  
> I haven't looked at it, but if Alan thinks that QScreen, as is, 
> shouldn't be exposed to QML as a property of QQuickItem, then I think 
> that we need some serious discussion and review before I'd give a +1 
> to it.

A review should reflect your opinion of a patch, rather than your 
opinion or expectations of other (potential) reviews.

If a patch looks good to you, +1 it. If you don't' like it, -1 it. +2 
and -2 are stronger versions, for areas where you feel sufficiently 
knowledgeable and authoritative. Holding back until someone else reviews 
doesn't contribute to the project. Other reviewers might be waiting for 
you, for the same reason.

This doesn't mean that you can't change a score after being convinced by 
another review.


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