[Development] Proposal - QtSerialPort graduation from the Playground

Laszlo Papp lpapp at kde.org
Sat Jan 12 13:55:20 CET 2013

On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Laszlo Papp <lpapp at kde.org> wrote:

> 2) Implementation
> forth for the serial port related enumerations like baudrate, databits,
> parity, stop bits, flow control, and so forth.
> * We use windows specific Qt classes which would be more difficult
> without, like QWinEventNotifier.
> * We use other Qt classes like QRingBuffer.
> * QElapsedTimer all around.
> * QIODevice for QIODevice::ReadWrite and so forth.
> * QByteArray and QString internally to deal with raw data and strings.
> * Signal/Slot mechanism with connect, emit and so forth.
> * QThread for dealing with threads.
> * QMutex for dealing with sync'ing.
> * QHash for notifiers.
> * QVector for container purpose
> * QLatin1String for path prefix
> * Q_ASSERT for assertion purposes.
> * QSocketNotifier for socket management.
> * QStringList for string containment.
> * QVariant for the registry property.
> * QFile for dealing with files.

* QDir

* QTimer

* QFileInfo

* QScopedPointer

... not sure if I had left out something, but in this sense (API for
instance) SerialPortInfo is somewhat similar to QPrinterInfo, using
QString, QList, and QScopedPointer. So, not only the SerialPort class is
aligned close enough to QIODevice and so forth, but the SerialPortInfo to
the existing API around.

Hope, this helps.

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